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[Suggestion] The Forcefields Awakens #4878

Open ZachZent opened 2 years ago

ZachZent commented 2 years ago

This has popped up every once in awhile over the years, but is there any plans for forcefields? Projected beam wall with a selector to allow or prevent people/builds through. Maybe the "walk though mode" can be a more clear texture while the "blocking mode" can have hexes. The forcefields can also be turned on or off of course. For balance sake since this came up in the Discord, to prevent a case of "shield stacking", forcefields should require power to function, but not recharge like shields.

image Made with spotlights which looks really cool

  1. Simple option: An X & Y axis (no Z) stretched block, similar to fences, that will create a single forcefield (with blocks on the edges so it isn't just a floating glowey wall). Benefits it that it would be easy to place and wouldn't require an entire new set of configuration like CEs. Downside is that it will always be stuck to the existing brick shapes. Still, this would be (in theory) the fastest solution and satisfy most requirements image

  2. A single "CE" that will project the wall as far as the set configuration allows. Single stretched block, only one axis instead of two, and set the wall to project however far. Just like the spotlight. This could be an issue with forcefields clipping into walls, but it doesn't have the restrictions of shapes image (There are not many examples lol)

  3. One item you have to place down twice. If they are opposite of each other, then a wall is projected. This would be the most complicated, but it would allow unique shapes. image Some nostalgia from Xerma

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@ZachZent Yes it is still in my to-do list. There are a few option indeed, could be also one side where you set the height manually. Do you want a forcefield to hold air only (so purely cosmetic atm), or something that also block passage and ship to get through?


ZachZent commented 1 year ago

@tsunamayo Maybe as a placeholder, fully cosmetic. Full docking and air isn't in game yet so it isn't a priority of course.

As for something to block passage and ships, a simple switch to turn entry on and off. Maybe a slight cosmetic change to signify the change.

Ships can pass through: Watery image

Ship's can't pass through: Solid light image

Kaiser-Indrasil commented 1 year ago

One more inspiration from yours truly.


tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for those ideas. Great use of the flood light @Kaiser-Indrasil !