tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[suggestion] Visual interface for material flow inside inventory pipes #4938

Open Uncle-Ulty opened 1 year ago

Uncle-Ulty commented 1 year ago

I think it would be cool to add a special "conveyor belt pipe" with a tiny screen. On this screen, it would be shown the thumbnail (or description) of the material that is flowing inside of it, and the direction it's flowing.

Also, it would be good to link a cargo block into a screen, and this screen would show us the inventory. This way it would be possible to show every detail in storage and craft on screens, and these screens could be placed on the bridge.

These screens would save us the boring work of checking every single cargo or smelter to check what is happening

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@Uncle-Ulty Hi, yeah I though about that too, but dont hold your breath it is a significant dev unfortunately. Cheers