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[New build - DEFAULT] 22w44a: Crafting lands in the Default build #4975

Open tsunamayo opened 1 year ago

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

Crafting now hits default! Brick can now be dropped. Brick stored inside cargo will take less space. Some improvement have been made to the physics of dropped object like brick and components. The legacy fuel scoop has been replaced by an updated design, in line with the Collector.


4970 Fuel Scoop is no longer harvesting

4969 Furnace wrong capacity computation after ingot crafting

4966 Cannot place tank join on Lightcruise engines and Reactors.

4971 Various fuel issues

Heavy Mining lag fixed.

kingvor commented 1 year ago

i found a big with the fuel scoop the gird is not centerd and the f1 menu doesnt work with it

BigBadKangaroo commented 1 year ago

I didn't play the latest experimental branch, so the new stuff is a welcome addition.

However I really don't like the look of the new Fuel Scoop! I really like to use the Fuel Scoop as an engine intake design but it now just looks akward and not like a Fuel Scoop imo. Old: 20221101124319_1

New: 20221101124340_1

Kaiser-Indrasil commented 1 year ago

@BigBadKangaroo You can always use the Vent element on top of the Fuel Scoop:


BigBadKangaroo commented 1 year ago

@BigBadKangaroo You can always use the Vent element on top of the Fuel Scoop:


Well, I don't like the green glowy bits on the sides ... and the new Fuel Scoop is alot larger than before, so my old designs don't work anymore if I have to cover up most of the new block :(

ProPeach commented 1 year ago

Great to see all the new stuff hit stable! The green lights on the fuel scoop model are a little misleading imo, it makes it look like the system is hooked up to a pipe and functioning, even though the lights are always green even without being hooked up to pipes.

A nice way to leverage them as feedback to the player could be - Red - Not connected to pipe network Grey/White - Inactive, but connected to pipe network (idle) Green - Connected to pipe network and functioning, collecting fuel

This feedback could be expanded to other systems too to help the player learn how to connect systems and diagnose problems.

chameleon-green commented 1 year ago

Definitely preferred the old fuel scoops, not a fan of the new ones at all

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

Well I just wanted to get a common design language with the collector. Item are rounded square, fuel is circle, I will reuse this elsewhere. The older one is still there and functional if you dont want to update your build that is fine.

Regarding the vent: how about removing the bottom gribbling so we can see what is behind the vent? I might add a rounded square stretchable vent, with the variant feature now I feel better about adding more bricks. You can add grating too, but they will be square.

The green/red is just a toggle to see if it is on or off. I would like to get this as a common design language on all system that can be toggle on / off: to either have the glow to fade off or have a green/red light indicator.

If I wanted to make it the same with the pipe color that should be: Grey/White - Not connected to pipe network Red - Deactivated Green - Connected to pipe network and activated. Green pulsing- collecting fuel.

There is a new pipe design that shows if there is a connection or not if it is valid. I might add a HUD info on that regard too.

DrizztCode commented 1 year ago

thanks for all of the continued hard work!

i will keep you posted on any issues i encounter

i like the design languages - rounded for fuel, squared for cargo, and the lighting indicator system

i do think that it would be nice to have a vented version of the fuel scoop though (since i couldn't get the vent to fit properly over the fuel scoop in multiple positions even with quarter grid position and regardless of grid origin - otherwise i would have agreed with just having a version of the vent that we could see through)

i will leave it there - but maybe i will make some more detailed suggestions in a suggestions post :-)

thanks again for all the awesome work! :-)

DrizztCode commented 1 year ago

by the way - i had trouble getting the crafting machine to work on some previous builds - but it seems to be working nicely on this one - and looks very cool - exciting times ahead :-)

i would have reported it at some point but never really started crafting since i was still doing lots of testing of mining and inventory flow - working the survival features in order of execution :-)

anyway - exciting times with all these features moving forward nicely - great work! - and thanks again :-)