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[New build - DEFAULT] 22w44b: Music! #4976

Open tsunamayo opened 1 year ago

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

Some music have been added to the game! Shoot-out and great thanks to the composer Mike Manning. The tracks are for now calm and meditative to fit with the slow paced nature of the game. They are minimalist and easy to listen, but also very warm and soulful. Hopefully they grow on you like they have been growing on me (OST was waiting to be added for some time)!

More tracks will be added in the future, typically for combat.

Right now on top of new Title music we have three set of ambiances:

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

Build is up! Cheers all!

Kaiser-Indrasil commented 1 year ago

@tsunamayo While I was excited to see that you've added music to the game, I can't say that I like how the Title song turned out.

The original song had more layers, the melody was going somewhere, the mastering was more focused and punchy, and these things made it likeable and memorable. Meanwhile, the new Title song sounds uncharacteristic, empty, and entirely forgettable.

I would bring back the old Title song and place the new Title song in the Space Calm ambiance set.

When it comes to the new Title song, I would suggest making each individual instrument much more clear in the mastering phase. The reason for that is, on my speakers (Edifier S350DB) the song sounds like a very slowed down echo of a hang drum. Meanwhile, on my headphones (Steelseries Arctis Pro Wireless) I've discovered that it has a few more layers. Thing is, these layers are so muted and muffled that they are practically inaudible on speakers, and appear as a mild droning sound.

I have one more suggestion - please move this song to the Deep Space set, as it is very unsettling, dark, and unharmonic.


DrizztCode commented 1 year ago

nice to have music in the game - i don't tend to have music when i want an immersive survival experience - but while we are still working towards that it's nice to have some while i build and test :-)

although i would also agree that the previous title music was excellent and i would suggest reinstating that - and moving the new tune to one of the in game sets

also maybe a track skip/select debug option - since some of the music may not suit some people's aural palettes :-)

(i am currently playing around with fuel clouds near the sun and while that music is suitable spooky, suiting the location, much of it is pitched in a way that is a little uncomfortable for me, physically - possibly some resonant frequencies that don't sit well with me)

anyway - thanks for all the continued great work! :-)

(currently i have my own personal recording of the original title music playing while i work in the fuel cloud - but i look forward to hearing the other music as i travel around)

Alkaliii commented 1 year ago

I like the music a lot, Especially since it fades in and out. I've been mostly listening to the Atmosphere themes and I'm loving all of them. I can imagine hearing them on vast new planets and feel more inclined to finish my exploration dedicated hovercrafts. I didn't listen to the title theme much but I preferred it to the old one since it didn't jarringly start and startle me.

Womble-TC commented 1 year ago

I really like the new music! Not to sure on the new menu music, but thats probably because I got so used to the original.

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

There is actually two new title track, one peaceful and warm, and one other more powerful and epic, albeit much much less that the older one (which was too much and no longer fit the rest of the OST). I will see what I can do for the mixing - I am listening all with headphones. Also yes not sure if it will talk to everybody, I like my fair share of ambient music so I am into this kind of sound. I guess a lot of people will find it simply boring or samey - personally I think each track has its own unique personality. At the end because it is my first game I just want something that I like ^^.

DrizztCode commented 1 year ago

There is actually two new title track, one peaceful and warm, and one other more powerful and epic, albeit much much less that the older one (which was too much and no longer fit the rest of the OST). I will see what I can do for the mixing - I am listening all with headphones. Also yes not sure if it will talk to everybody, I like my fair share of ambient music so I am into this kind of sound. I guess a lot of people will find it simply boring or samey - personally I think each track has its own unique personality. At the end because it is my first game I just want something that I like ^^.

well since you are giving us all these cool features that we like, i think it's only fair that we be cool with you having the music that you like :-)

and the music does have the right vibe for the game - especially what is playing as i am working on my ship by an asteroid in the ring of the gas giant - that chilled ambient trance-y vibe is perfect for the beautiful (and massive) space scene i can see around me: 20221103001728_1

i do think there are some things that could be done with some of the sharp edges to some of the notes in some of the deep space sound - i know it's supposed to be weird and have that vibe that we're out in the dark and the vacuum - but there are definitely some weird resonances in there that can make the uncomfortable feeling more than just metaphorical lol :-)

but yes - definitely feeling the vibe - and totally in support of you having music in here that makes you happy :-)

and certainly music is something that players can easily choose for themselves if they want an alternative - especially when sitting at a computer lol :-)

also i'm gonna make sure i hear both title tracks now that i know there are two - but i still do like the original - is a cool piece of music - and may well always be the Starship Evo theme tune in my head - since it was my first :-)

Womble-TC commented 1 year ago

I still hear this as the main theme šŸ˜Ž https://youtu.be/_U4SkYJZjdI

Jokes aside, can we expect any other sound changes in the near-future?

Kaiser-Indrasil commented 1 year ago

Don't get me wrong, I love ambient. Especially the kind of Subnautica's soundtrack or Koan's "Where The Silence Is...".

Maybe the crux of the problem lies in the audio mastering not tuned for speakers, which generally can't provide nearly as wide a dynamic range as headphones do.

Jorpis-Jorah commented 1 year ago

I'm loving the music so far, especially the ambient menu one, it sounds a lot like Cepheid by Stellardrone. This update really reminds me of the time I offered a track of my own. Love it. Thank you

TwoNiner29 commented 1 year ago

I build in space slightly to the side of the ring which apparently counts as deep space. The music makes me feel like Iā€™m playing dead space

Uncle-Ulty commented 1 year ago

I love the new soundtrack! I've used the ambiance songs in my videos for quite some time! It really fits this game!

(PS: Even so, you gonna need a theme song for the title screen in the future... something that people listen to and say "Starship Evo theme! :D )

Reason147 commented 1 year ago

I love the new soundtrack! I've used the ambiance songs in my videos for quite some time! It really fits this game!

(PS: Even so, you gonna need a theme song for the title screen in the future... something that people listen to and say "Starship Evo theme! :D )

Agreed, it's a nice touch!

Dwarf-LordPangolin commented 1 year ago

Just wanted to pop in and give some feedback: the music is great! I was just building on the ringworld, and it's sooo soothing there. The empty space music is appropriately eerie, and the station is very peaceful. All great pieces, and they really fit with the visual style of the game! šŸ‘