tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[New build - DEFAULT] 23w28a: Planets are finally here! #5117

Open tsunamayo opened 1 year ago

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

Planet have finally landed! Fully explorable and procedural planets are replacing the old prefabs.

Dont fall in love with a planet just yet as they will likely be tweaked further which will impact the terrain generation. Likewise export your ground structures so you can reuse when this happens.

The scale of the solar system has been tweaked a bit.

Bugfixes and improvements:


tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

The build is up! So guys I really need you to test the usual stuff, so dont spend too much time on planets yet 😆 . I just want to make sure there is no hidden game braking regression. If you see something or hear someone from the discord having issues please report here!

I will upload this to default asap. I have a new trailer and a devlog almost ready to be uploaded.


Womble-TC commented 1 year ago

WOO! Congrats Tsuna!

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

Also I will do a bigger post once it hits default, there is also tons of stuff not here (like day-night cycle ect).

TIKIRobo commented 1 year ago

Currently, i can't even start a new world Player.log

not sure whats happening exactly, all i do is try to create a new character, hopefully the log helps!

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

Hum how is it going for other people? I can create just fine. @TIKIRobo do you get this all the time?

TIKIRobo commented 1 year ago

@tsunamayo yeah, i was able to recreate it 3 times, im reinstalling the game now and trying again however other people on the discord seem to be able to get in fine

TIKIRobo commented 1 year ago

Player.log another log, even after redownloading the game and unsubscribing from all ws items it still breaks

ultrak2k commented 1 year ago

They seem to be decently laggy even on what I'd think is a good computer, but good lord it's pretty (by laggy I just mean like, 30-40 fps on them) image

ultrak2k commented 1 year ago

Also, unsure if this counts as sliding on slopes since this seems quite sleep but I seem to be sliding on this slope


Also, planets seem to be able to spawn with water and life but no atmosphere lol, unsure if that's temporary though image

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@ultrak2k What is your config? Can you send your Player.log? Where you moving?

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@ultrak2k Also what are your normal FPS?

ultrak2k commented 1 year ago

@ultrak2k Also what are your normal FPS?

Usually about 100ish in space, and 70+ or so in a ship or the old rings, my GPU (laptop 3060) seems to peak at 100% in general but the FPS drops to about 40-50 on planets

ultrak2k commented 1 year ago

@ultrak2k What is your config? Can you send your Player.log? Where you moving?

Player.log I'm on the ringed green world with a surface in the starting system, which si where I experienced slope slip Unsure what you mean by config, is it the settings.ini file in the same place where player.log is? 323232.zip Here's the savefile

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@ultrak2k Okay lets see what other player are reporting performance wise. I have a 3060 but I have rock solid 60, I will check uncapped how much I get.

ultrak2k commented 1 year ago

@ultrak2k Okay lets see what other player are reporting performance wise. I have a 3060 but I have rock solid 60, I will check uncapped how much I get.

Oh I did hear other people say that their actual desktop GPU 3060s were fine, I think it's just that the laptop one is weaker I realise

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

I have 90 on planet with no clouds, vs 140 in deep space.

ultrak2k commented 1 year ago

I have 90 on planet with no clouds, vs 140 in deep space.

ah, my version of the 3060 is definitely weaker then

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

sorry I have a 3060ti. It should not explain that much though, but maybe laptop is throttling a bit!

ultrak2k commented 1 year ago

Also I will do a bigger post once it hits default, there is also tons of stuff not here (like day-night cycle ect).

Does this mean there's a bunch of planet related features not in this build but will be in the default? Or just not specified in this update post

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

yeah nope we will have to wait more for those. I was talking about the post.

BeyondStarsLight117 commented 1 year ago

Player.log GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series Game Version: 23w28a Hey Tsuna. i just got the update, and i heard everyone's having a great time despite all the bugs, but for me, whenever i try to load a new world to get in, the game doesnt stop loading. it just stays on the loading screen, silent.

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@TIKIRobo So I have repushed a build with a few changes related to your error, could you try it out?

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@BeyondStarsLight117 Hi, could you retry now after the update? Also what bugs? Are they being reported? Thanks

Xerma commented 1 year ago

Planets are looking great so far!


tsunamayo commented 1 year ago



TIKIRobo commented 1 year ago

@tsunamayo unfortunately it just crashes in a different way with the new update Player.log

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@TIKIRobo Could you send me the crash dump? it is located here: C:/Users/Henry/AppData/Local/Temp/Moonfire Entertainment/Starship EVO/Crashes Also what is your config? CPU and ram? Thanks

TIKIRobo commented 1 year ago

Crash_2023-07-12_024013170.zip @tsunamayo i have an AMD Ryzen 5 2600 6 core, AMD Radeon RX5600 XT and 16GB of ram (sorry i can't remember the specifics of my ram)

ItsMeJumpz commented 1 year ago

AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor, 3593 Mhz, 8 Core(s) , Got the beta experimental branch selected. Crashes when loading new game. No mods installed any longer, and fresh install.

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@ItsMeJumpz Hi, what is your RAM size?

ItsMeJumpz commented 1 year ago

16.0 GB, sorry I forgot that part. 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor windows 10

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

Also all what is your OS?

TIKIRobo commented 1 year ago

im running windows 10

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@ItsMeJumpz @BeyondStarsLight117 also please send the new player.log. This issue is a huge pain, I cant replicate and I have minimum information on what is really bugging. I want to fix that asap but it will need a few back and forth.

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

It seems related to allocating buffers. I need to allocate some large buffer (potentially 1gb large). Could you guys do a CTRL-ALT-DEL and tell me how is your memory usage, before starting the game, and then monitor this while it is loading. Thanks

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

Hi all, I repushed another build with a different approach to the allocation of the faulty buffer (the suspected issue). Tell me how it goes, even if it crashes send me the player.log. Thanks

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

So the issue is that for some reason the game wants to allocate tons of geo right away. After a new world on the tutorial station it should not need to. I suspect it might come from the asteroid generation. Now that I think of it are you guys all on AMD cards? Could you start a new world: if it load send a screenshot of F3/Game Performance / Show Engine Data and the player.log?

AfterRebelion commented 1 year ago

AMD user here. Tried 23w28A again, after the patch, and the world now loads, were it didn't before. However, structures don't render.


Planets and the ring don't render correctly. It's like they are being rendered in the skybox.


Only things working correctly are the the sun, the false gas planet, and the ring.

EDIT: Confirmed "planets" have poligons, could just make one of this cubes eclipse the sun. However it's at really far distance.


This is with a clean save, just for testing. Player.log

TwoNiner29 commented 1 year ago

Hey Tsuna, a couple of funny things I found with planets:


This tree seems to be floating in mid air along the edge of a crater


some of the planets I've found seem to have too many craters in them, which makes them very uncomfortable to look at for people with trypophobia.

also maybe when approaching planets lightcruise should be a bit faster, it takes a very long time to approach planets

otherwise, everything seems to be working great on my end and the plannets look great so far!

Kaiser-Indrasil commented 1 year ago

@tsunamayo Okay, I believe I've gathered enough data to compile a sufficient report.

Computer specification:

World creation and loading:

Sanity check passed across the board. I could create a world, load it, and the planets were rendered correctly. Smoke tests didn't run so great though.

Game crashes:

  1. First crash occured 5 minutes upon loading the world, when I was mining a monolith by hand.
  2. Second crash happened 5 minutes in, when I was roaming the planet on foot.
  3. Third crash occured 10 minutes in, when I was soak-testing the game in space beyond the planet's sphere of influence, and then got close to the terrain - the game crashed almost instantenously. Only this crash produced a crash dump - the rest didn't manage to do it, and instead froze indefinitely.
  4. Fourth crash occured 25 minutes in, when I was trying my best to crash the game, flying spaceships in lightcruise into the planet's surface, moving in and out of atmosphere, leaving the game to soak in the background for 5 minutes close to the planet's surface, mining, and shooting the ground with ship lasers. The game crashed when I attempted to delete a copied fragment of my Copy-Paste Tool.

All of the crashes mentioned above were experienced during a single Windows session. No computer restarts or sign-outs were involved.

Crash dump from the 3rd crash

Player.log from the 4th crash

Player-prev.log from the 3rd crash

World archive from after the tests



Performance tests

Curiously, when the game was left to soak for 10 minutes with the character sitting in space, the game didn't crash as usual, when I roamed the planet.



There were some stutters occuring irregularly every few minutes that I couldn't easily correlate with my in-game actions.


The game, however, slows down considerably when lots of physics-active entities interact with the planet's surface due to gravity - as in, marbles spawning in from hitting the ground with lasers. Curiously, the game utilizes the GPU less in such a scenario, as you can see on the graphs to the left.


Slope sliding

Not sure if this functionality is implemented yet or not, but on 23w28a (after the hotfixes) it doesn't seem to work.



Tisdag1 commented 1 year ago

I also have issues when creating a new world with an AMD card. When I create a new world, both the ring around the gas giant & the starting station are invisible. As well as some bugs with some of the other planets.




When I exit & reload that same world, everything will load in just fine including the ring & station.


However when I go to move, I will hear the sound of me moving while appearing not to move. The only indication that I may actually be moving is the Medical sign on the medical bay moves when I do.




I am using AMD Ryzen 7 6800H Game Version 23w28a Player.log

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@Tisdag1 @AfterRebelion @ItsMeJumpz @BeyondStarsLight117 Hi guys, I have just repushed another build with hopefully a fix for AMD cards. Can you test and tell me how it goes? Thanks

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@TIKIRobo same for you :)

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@TwoNiner29 Okay good to know, I will try to do something about this. Those are not proper crater but a different step in the generation algo.

Tisdag1 commented 1 year ago

Nope. Unfortunately the same problems still exist after a fresh start for me.

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@Tisdag1 Hi, can you send me the player.log and crash dump? Thanks

TIKIRobo commented 1 year ago

Player.log @tsunamayo there was no crash this time but im still stuck with everything being invisible

Tisdag1 commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I don't have a crash dump because it doesn't crash for me. But here is my Player log. Player.log

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

@AfterRebelion @ItsMeJumpz @BeyondStarsLight117 @TIKIRobo @Tisdag1 So I have created a new branch, called planets_amd, instead of experimental. Could you try this branch and tell me how it goes? I removed several feature in the generation, I want to see if it still have issues. Thanks

Tisdag1 commented 1 year ago

@tsunamayo Okay, so I started a new game with the Planets_amd branch & still no luck. I don't know if it helps, but I have noticed that even though It doesn't look like I am moving apparently I am. I have noticed that after trying to move around, when I exit & relaunch the game, I load in at the new updated location that I must have been at when I exited.
