tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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23w28a - Multiple issues #5128

Open AsageSoftworks opened 11 months ago

AsageSoftworks commented 11 months ago

Short Description of the issue:

Issue began about 2 hours after initial world generation. Was building a ship, started having issues with grabbing items in the blocks menu/decals menu. Issue persisted, getting worse. Became unable to select blocks in the menu, was only allowed to grab items from hotbar. Hotbar had item with no description or image. Upon world reload, character regenerated in a medpod. Item issue was fixed, but the ship I was working on became untouchable. No collisions or block highlighting, as if it only exists as an image. Character phases through without F5. Starting station is still physical, AI NPC spawned before reload were non functional, NPC's spawned after reload are function and physical. ...

Steps to reproduce the issue:

I honestly have no clue as to what caused it initially, possibly decal related. I will add to this thread if issue re-occurs.



Additional information:

(Screenshots, Videos, Error logs, Related issues) image

Please also include the Player.log file. You can find the log file here: %UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Moonfire Entertainment\Starship EVO\ Player.log PLANETS.zip World file included that had issue.

If you issue concerns a particular design please include any blueprint that could help to reproduce the issue. Blueprint folder is over at: %UserProfile%\AppData\LocalLow\Moonfire Entertainment\Starship EVO\Save_Data\Blueprints\ You will need to zip the folder to upload it. To do so Right click and choose [Send to -> compressed zip file] then drag the .zip onto your report to upload it.

AsageSoftworks commented 11 months ago


Video of issue.

AsageSoftworks commented 11 months ago


Relaunching from steam removes visual of missing grids. Crosshair centered on mug placed in video. Video was made after reloading from main menu. Player.log

tsunamayo commented 11 months ago

@AsageSoftworks Hi, when you say upon world reload you mean you did a Quit to Title, not a Quit to Windows?

AsageSoftworks commented 11 months ago

@tsunamayo I initially backed out to the main menu, doing that is what made the ships invisible and killed my character, as shown in the video. Afterword I closed out of SEVO and restarted the game from steam. That is when I took the screenshot in my last reply, showing the entities gone completely. That world is still really "buggy" or unstable, but new characters seem to not have an issue. I will try to build something again tomorrow evening(CST) and see if the bug comes back, and if there is a way to reproduce regularly.

On a side note, planets are awesome! Can't wait for a stable experience, this is the best investment I have ever made.