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23w28a - General Planet Feedback/suggestion #5130

Open BigBadKangaroo opened 1 year ago

BigBadKangaroo commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

with this thread I wanted to collect some feedback from the comunity on the new planets. No real bug reporst, just feedback to improve the planet experience.

I personally really enjoy the new space rocks, they already give me quite some ideas on what to build next. But some things bother me a bit: -Since you added music to the game in different places like the spacestation, habitat and in deep space, I think the planets should get their own music that is somewhat "uplifting" and makes you happy/ chill while being on a planet. -I would love to see much more "earth-like" planets - less blue and pink colors, more natural/ realistic colors would be great. less this: 20230712215937_1 - Kopie more this: 20230712220957_1 Maybe you could add alien like plants/bushes for these bright and colorful planets in the future?

-The craters on some planets are a bit too much in my opinion. -There are currently planets with no atmosphere (in the holomap they're moons, so I go with that). I think a moon shouldn't look like a regular planet just without atmosphere - more rocky/sandy/craters/rescources - less colorful ... and definitly no flora imo. -Planet surfaces reflect a lot of the sunlight when at an angle - this makes the planet look a bit like a plastic ball 20230712193735_1 20230713203854_1 20230713203840_1 On water however it looks just amazing.

I don't know if the starting system when starting a new world is the same for everyone, so this one might just be me: -In the starting system the planets should give you a bit of everything: 1 gas giant, 1 earth-like planet with a rocky rescource moon and one fancy alien like planet - and of course the habitat ring. As I tested the planets first time I was quite a bit disapointed to get a few planets that have no interesting terrain, a few rocks and some small bushes. This was my first new planet: 20230712184637_1 20230712185721_1

All the really cool new planets with lots of water or lots of flora or really interesting terrain I had to use a warp ship to get there because the starting system didn't have these. And some of the new planets are just amazing to explore and enjoy!

You did awesome with this update and I can't wait to have a full galaxy to explore with my freshly build ship to land on all these amazing planets: 20230712212905_1 20230712220655_1 20230712221033_1 20230712221211_1

ultrak2k commented 1 year ago

The starting system is the same for everyone since the universe has a shared seed. Personally I disagree that there should be much more earth-like planets (colourwise, and actually in general) since I guess the colour variety helps break the normal monotony of a lot of procgen planets in which it generates a lot of earth-likes and then they all end up boring, though in general Ive seen the opinion that some colours are too frequent like pink and green (for non-habitable planets). Though yeah it would be ideal if there was more plant variety to fit on the more colourful planets but I do like the whimsical magical feeling the weird colouured habitable ones provide, it's hard to describe.

With the atmosphereless planets thing, one thing I've noticed is that water and flora can spawn on them which to me at least kind of breaks immersion because that makes no sense lol. In terms of less colourful I do think there should be more greys on barren moons or grey barren moons in general (i'm unsure though honestly, i do really like the colourful stuff)- I don't think ive seen anyone post a picture of one, but I also don't think they should be less colourful in general - some real life moons are quite colourful (europa, Io, enceladus, alongside other smaller objects like Pluto and possibly other KBOs ) and some even have atmospheres and lakes (of hydrocarbons), like Titan. I do find that planets/moons like the one attached (not my screenshot, i just pulled it from the discord) with the lakes without atmosphere being wierd, but that the colour scheme is seems justifiable. I just think that a lot of these types of space procgen games suffer from the issue of having planet appearances be very bland or samey and while colours don't solve all the problems with procedual generation it at least gives a whimsical feel to the universe that I love. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/416013956331601930/1128918663026724954/20230713001931_1.jpg?width=1579&height=888

but yeah in general i also do really like the planets and yeah sometimes the stone seems very reflective. would be nice to have an ice of some form be able to spawn

tsunamayo commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback, let me digest all the crashes first and get back to you ^^