tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[SUGGESTION] Wrecks #5331

Open Uncle-Ulty opened 8 months ago

Uncle-Ulty commented 8 months ago

First: Wreck ships seem to have online shields on. IMO all ship's systems should have been offline. It can be observed when you try to scrap the ship with a mining tool, the beam stops on the shield surface. 20231106120445_1

Second: Wreck ships should not have their engines and other lights with online lightning. Every glow brick should be off, or opaque, or with a black color. If the idea is to give the feeling of a "long-time abandoned ship", with vines and all, the overall aspect should follow it. 20231106124719_1

Third: It would be nice to apply a worn and dirt texture over the wreck ships. The dirt texture color could be based on the planet's color surface. E.g. If the planet has purple ground, the dirt would be purplish. I believe it's not hard to implement.

Gallt commented 8 months ago

was going to write this same report as a bug. Have video but the pics here cover just about everything. Only other thing i could add is the hit-box on some of the parts when using ship-based mining beams is pretty touchy.

BigBadKangaroo commented 8 months ago

Can agree with everything on that list, but I noticed that there are a lot of shipwrecks spawning in on a planet ... might acutally be too much?

I don't know how rare these should be, but right now they are really common to find. IMO the wrecks should be quite rare.

I didn't really test it too much for now, but would it be possible to restore these ships for your own use in survival mode?

BigBadKangaroo commented 8 months ago

Another addition:

ProPeach commented 8 months ago
  • How about giving wrecks a more toned down color (brown, grey/ pure metals) to make them look more abandoned and run down?

I was thinking the same thing, Yokida and I were looking at equations that would change the RGB colours of a ship to a more saturated tone Using the equation in this thread - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13328029/how-to-desaturate-a-color Razorface at 60% saturation image Might be too grey, you can change the value F for different levels of saturation. But I think this could help make the ships look more run down. At the moment they look very "fresh". Alternatively you could add more brown to the RGB values too, rather than just averaging to grey. Basically anything to make it look older

BigbadKangeroo also raises a great point about the metal colour which shows through in the damage decals, the current steel is very shiny which kinda doesn't work for wreck. Maybe convert all hull blocks on the wrecks to a new, duller/older material? Like these image

As a bit of a wish list item I'd love to see more diversity in the damage decals too, like blast marks/laser burns image

I really love the vine textures though!

Uncle-Ulty commented 8 months ago

fourth: the ground around the ship should have signs of impact. IMO the best option would be to deform the terrain around the ship.

Crimson-Artist commented 8 months ago

fourth: the ground around the ship should have signs of impact. IMO the best option would be to deform the terrain around the ship.

better yet: have wreck generation tied to crater generation on planets.

tsunamayo commented 8 months ago

So I have fixed the engine / system glow color issue. @Uncle-Ulty Yes I wanted the terrain deformation too, but that is really hard to do. Plus it would require more performance. I spent enough time on this, at one point I need to move on. Same thing for the different texture, I do not wish to add more complexity at this stage. thx

tsunamayo commented 8 months ago

Also fixed is the shield issue!