tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[survival beta - suggestions] Impressions #5496

Open Uncle-Ulty opened 4 months ago

Uncle-Ulty commented 4 months ago

I completed all the steps you intended for this beta, and these are my suggestions.

cheers! This game is getting prettier with each passing day!

surajnairpv commented 4 months ago

yeah I agree with the hovercraft suggestion, been stuck with searching for silicon for the hovercraft system, if not hovercraft you can make like a hover bike or hoverboard that requires basic resource as mentioned by @Uncle-Ulty

tsunamayo commented 4 months ago

@surajnairpv You can search for a while there is no silicon ore. You need to add 8 rocks to craft silicon. Sorry there is no help at that point but I will make sure it is clear for the player in the future!

surajnairpv commented 4 months ago

Ohhhh Maaaan....... I was searching for silicon ore for so long....was thinking how the others were progressing while I am stuck with silicon, been throwing out the rocks in my inventory thinking they had no purpose but never knew you could use to craft silicon from them. Thanks @tsunamayo.

BigBadKangaroo commented 4 months ago

Hi there,

I'd like to share my experience as well. I didn't want to creat a new post, so I'll take Ulty's :D

In general I really like the experience I had with the survival mode so far. Yes, there are a few things that need to be changed, added etc. but the overall feel I have when playing is great. It's a relaxing thing and even quite enjoyable. Now it just needs to be more polished and self-explanatory so even new players understand what they're supposed to do and how stuff works. The framework of it is great so far!