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Steam Achievements-tied tutorial system feedback #5525

Closed Kaiser-Indrasil closed 3 months ago

Kaiser-Indrasil commented 7 months ago

Regarding your questions and remarks in #5464, I wanted to address the following point:

An help for beginner is of course needed. I dont want a full blow tutorial, I will most likely use tied the progression help with the achievements system on steam.

I feel like the players wouldn't like this solution, as most of them don't like to be forced to go out of the game in search of basic gameplay info. I remember being frustrated with my first hours of playing Minecraft and Space Engineers because they didn't have good in-game tutorials.

In this video, Game Maker's Toolkit provides examples of great tutorial practices, if you want to take a look.

tsunamayo commented 7 months ago

@Kaiser-Indrasil so here what I meant by achievement based:

I will have a window tracking the player progression. If the player dont really understand what to do next they can refer to that. There will be a list of "technological" tier showcasing what to do: ie build an hovercraft to explore more easily, build a h2 farm to make fuel for a spaceship. Instead of just having a list and letting the player understand himself what has been done or not, I will have each of this milestone tracked and "unlocked" by the player, which 100% similar to what achievement does. Ie run 5km in a hovercraft, craft 100kg of h2 and so on. Then you can click on a milestone to get the relevant page of the help, for example on the hovercraft one. These milestones would be regular steam achievements, because why not? I would add other achievements too.

There no way I am doing a tight mission based like the previous tutorial, ie go there, do that. It almost killed the game because of the negative reviews, it was really super stressful as I had very little input on what to fix as newcomers are more likely to give up or leave a neg review rather than create a github case. Lesson learned - I am just not able to tackle this as a solo dev on such a complicated game.


Kaiser-Indrasil commented 7 months ago

Okay, as long as the player is able to have the achievements tracked within the game itself, without having to break immersion and going outside the game, I think it's fine.

I think Minecraft did a similar thing with its achievement tree, where it represents different milestones.

I'm optimistic it will work based on how you described it.