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[Suggestion] Equipment Screen #5548

Open Crimson-Artist opened 7 months ago

Crimson-Artist commented 7 months ago

In survival, the vastness of the universe will present all sorts of dangers. Right now players don't really have a means of effecting their character. If more danger is going to be added in the future then we need a method of equipping ourselves with better items to handle it. So I made a mock up of a basic equipment screen for our characters. Equipment Screen Mockup In this screen we have several panels. This equipment screen also assumes that several other survival mechanics, such as food, will be implemented in the future.

Equipment Slots

This is the panel featuring our character. Here players will be able to equip various pieces of armor and equipment to help them survive in the in galaxy. The slots are Helmets, Suits, Boots, Jetpacks, and Extensions. Aside from adding an armor rating ,except extensions, each piece of equipment has its own unique stat. Helmets will increase our oxygen capacity. Different suits will grant protections against hazardous environmental damage such as radiation and toxins. Boots increase run/sprint speed with certain boots granting magnetic properties so we can walk on the hulls of ships and stations in zero G. Jetpacks grant increases in jetpack speed/jump height while some jetpacks may grant an entirely different method of propulsion. The extensions slots are our accessories slots. These can be anything that increases the stats previously mentioned or grant entirely new attributes such as healing over time.

Conditions Panel

The conditions panel is where players can check the overall health of their character. This assumes that in the future we will get status conditions that effect the player's health. The paper doll will change depending on what's currently effecting our character. The green outline represents external conditions. Green means everything is ok. As our character experiences various environmental conditions like radiation the outline will change to different colors. The internal white means our physical health is ok. It will change color if we are afflicted with certain diseases or other internal illnesses. The panel to the right of the paper doll will display an icon that we can hover over with our mouse to see what is are currently afflicted with. Both positive and negative conditions will appear on this panel and the color of the icon will determine whether it is good or bad.

Stats Panel

Here is where we can see a statically breakdown of our character. Health and oxygen are self explanatory. Energy measures our internal power supply. Whenever we use our multitool it consumes energy. This is to balance out our tools so they don't become overpowered in comparison to handhelds. Certain extension items will increase our energy stat. The Food stat assumes that we will need to eat in order to stay healthy. It will gradually decrease as we move around and when it hits zero it will cause the starvation condition which will effect our internal health. whether or not this ultimately kills us is something that needs to be determined later as that can have huge gameplay effects.


This panel shows our backpack. We can drag and drop the various pieces of equipment into their respective slots from here. Its possible this panel could be relocated to the side on the equipment panel so it can accommodate additional rows of slots.

tsunamayo commented 6 months ago

@Crimson-Artist Hi, sorry I havent had the time to read it yet but yes I wanted to do something like that by the look of it.

Crimson-Artist commented 6 months ago

@tsunamayo thank you! take you time. Also if you have time I made another suggestion regarding coal being used as a mid tier power source. #5539