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[Survival Beta] WARNING SURVIVORS - The Habitat is not habitable (which is ironic, and ironically it has no iron ;-)) #5622

Open DrizztCode opened 4 months ago

DrizztCode commented 4 months ago

just a quick one - since i very almost suffocated to death while checking out if the water could be electrolysed

so - there is no oxygen there and the water is not water (fuel scoop still says H2) there is also no wind and while we're at it the land is not really land lol

so yes - the Habitat is wonderfully, and fantastically ironically, uninhabitable :-)

but, there is no denying that it is still absolutely gorgeous to look at :-)

and very Elysium :-)

anyway - just a friendly warning to my fellow survivors

coz we also cannot build a medbay

so i had to get myself to the space station and get patched up

also got a refuel - only 22K out of my million starting creds - nice :-)

looking forward to making suggestions for the mid and late game

got some nice ideas for missions - very builder-y missions - probably unlike other games (maybe a little kerbal-y) - but suitable for the game with the best building ever :-)

Aranhanauta commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the heads up, it will definitely be useful for the rest of the game.

As for what kind of missions there could be in the middle and end of the game, I thought about delivery or mining missions, similar to those in Space Engineers.

DrizztCode commented 4 months ago

As for what kind of missions there could be in the middle and end of the game, I thought about delivery or mining missions, similar to those in Space Engineers.

i was thinking more along the lines of "go to x coordinates and build a solar powered ore refinery that will allow 2 ships to dock and has shields and guns and an oxygenated control room that can withstand x amount of damage" or "go to the marked base and add a ship refuelling system" (that would require pipes to the ocean) etc - a bit like the KSP missions where you have certain specs for the satellites that you launch or bases you land

plus some of the building missions could have enemies attacking etc

definitely going to need lots of thought and discussion - as well as Tsuna letting us know his vision and what is feasible

plus we also need to balance survival

talking of Space Engineers - i always play it stranded on one of the places without oxygen - usually Mars - and have my mission to be to return to Earth

i like the survival challenge of needing to find an oxygen source - and get a survivable base - and then build vehicles to help with mining and scouting, first by land, then by air - and then finally making it to space

obviously SEVO has a much nicer solar system mechanic than SE, with everything seamlessly integrated, and the capability to cruise across systems and then warp to new systems etc - so there is plenty of scope for more Elite style missions

but it has the massive scale, and now the survival mechanics, and great building, and even custom weapon building - so there is lots of scope for procedurally placed bases, some friendly, some hostile, and the possibility of all sorts of different missions based around them

something i really liked in SE were the scenarios - Lost Colony and then Frostbite - with interesting and very large facilities to explore - with lots of loot in the form of components - as well as interesting vehicles - and a plot to uncover

so many possibilities here - but i am currently very glad that the survival aspects are working well - and looking forward to them getting polished and balanced - as well as for the larger later game goals

happy (and exciting) times :-)

Aranhanauta commented 4 months ago

Your mission at Space Engineers is very good. I always play as a trader, like a free-lancer. It's a shame that in this game we are limited to a single star system. In Starship Evo we literally have an entire galaxy to explore.

I'm building an exploration ship and I set myself a challenge to visit all the landable planets in 20 different star systems.

The only way to cover my expenses is by doing bounty hunting missions, if other types of missions were available, it would be an alternative and interesting way to support myself in the game.

But if it's viable, I think we're giving Tsuna some ideas.

Note: If you are looking for an interesting solar system, I recommend Ursariminor. It's close to the home star system, and if you already have a warp core, you can reach it in a single jump.

DrizztCode commented 4 months ago

Note: If you are looking for an interesting solar system, I recommend Ursariminor. It's close to the home star system, and if you already have a warp core, you can reach it in a single jump.

does look nice - sadly no water planets - so i can't restock with O2 :-(

Aranhanauta commented 4 months ago

Hello, I'm glad you found the system interesting, but Ursariminor does have a planet with water.

Check the third planet. Before entering the atmosphere, you can see some groups of water spread across much of the surface.

DrizztCode commented 4 months ago

Hello, I'm glad you found the system interesting, but Ursariminor does have a planet with water.

Check the third planet. Before entering the atmosphere, you can see some groups of water spread across much of the surface.

ah - ok - it's possible that we simply have different galaxies - since the game uses a random seed for each game - i did find a system with that name only a few lightyears away - but i also possibly recall seeing repeated system names - so maybe it has a bucket of names it picks them from, and there will always be an Ursariminor near the player start - possibly even the names of the systems will always be the same at the same distances, but the makeup of each system will be randomised

i shall check on a different game and see what i find

and if the system looks the same then i shall investigate each planet more thoroughly (i looked from afar and saw no water)

also, sadly the 2D system view does not work, and always shows zoomed in so you can only see the star and a few planets

anyway - i shall investigate and let you know :-)

(although i also found a water planet somewhere with no oxygen - so it is possible that only the first system has an actual habitable planet - which makes sense since we can't yet construct warp drives in survival - so maybe Tsuna has only tuned the first system so far)

DrizztCode commented 4 months ago

ah yes - you are correct - i found it - a nice green planet :-)

so i guess there is no random seed - or maybe that just affects the ore placements and that kind of thing - or maybe the systems and planet configurations are defined, but the surface is randomly generated

either way i found it - but there is no oxygen sadly :-(

however - that's not unreasonable - it is an alien planet - no reason for the air to be breathable

i shall see if i can electrolyse the water

EDIT: i can electrolyse the water - so there was no O2 or wind on this planet - but the water is real - which is cool - and what we might expect from alien planets - they won't all be goldilocks planets with everything we need - but in the vacuum of space, a planet where we can harvest O2 is magic :-)

EDIT2: my electrolyser base seems to be doing strange things with power - but there are some weird things that happen with power anyway

EDIT3: i found a planet with wind and water - just missing breathable air :-)

Aranhanauta commented 3 months ago

Hey, if you're still looking for a planet with breathable air, check out the "Arator" star system, look at the second planet, with rings, it has breathable air.