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[Dev Asks] Achievements suggestions #5671

Open tsunamayo opened 3 months ago

tsunamayo commented 3 months ago

Another dev asks for today...

So I will be starting to add achievements to the game. The main reason is to track the player survival progression, to show in game pertinent suggestion on what to do next. For example:

If you have any interesting suggestion please share! In the context of the survival progression or else.


tsunamayo commented 3 months ago

So a few easy one:

Alkaliii commented 3 months ago

Other names for the bounty hunter achievement: Crimestopper, Galatic Peacekeeper, Cosmic Justice, Patroller of the Stars

Reach the Stars - Leave the starting planet Troublemaker - Attack a space station (or any other action that gets the cops on you) Overpowered - Reach weapon score N (with different N depending on tier, Strong -> Stronger -> Mighty -> Mightier -> Powerful -> Overpowered Unfazeable - Reach shield point N (with different N depending on tier, Safe -> Safer -> No Kinetic No Problem -> Unfazed -> Unfazeable) Electric Engineer/Computer Scientist - Create a circuit with N amount of logic bricks, or just create a circuit Pipe Specialist - Connect a system to a fuel tank with pipes Starseer - Travel N Mm (I would use roman numerals for this Starseer I -> ... -> Starseer XVII) Meet the Locals - Visit a space station Strip Miner - Dig up N amount of Ore (or just dig up ore) Cosmic Prospector - Dig up N amount of Ore on an asteroid (or just dig up ore on an asteroid) Home Sweet Home - Build a ground structure Station Sweet Station - Build a space station Stellar Marshaller - Use a shipyard For Future Reference - Save a blueprint Voila! - Share a blueprint on the steam workshop Astrorepairer - Repair a ship Astrodestroyer - Destroy N amount of ships Put a Ring on it - Visit an asteroid ring Temperate Overload - Overheat your ship Electrical Underload - Build a ship that doesn't have enough power I Think I Forgot Something - Build a ship without thrusters To Infinite and Beyond - Make a warp core / or warp somewhere

Uncle-Ulty commented 3 months ago

I liked all these ideas.

I think the achievements names should be puns with games, songs and movies. I loved when you used puns on updates titles some time ago.

Crimson-Artist commented 3 months ago

Junkyard lord- Salvage an entire wreck Duke Groundrunner- Build a Hovercraft "What a piece of Junk!"- Build a ship using only scrappy hull Mine is worth crafting- Build a structure using only wood or stone Pedestrian- Travel N amount of distance on foot Breathtaking- Survive suffocating for N seconds Hell dive- Drop from orbit onto a planet's surface Rocket man- Achieve escape velocity and enter orbit without using a ship Mass Production-Spawn a blueprint "I'm freaking Invincible!"- Defeat a hostile ship without receiving any hull damage "Tis but a scratch"- Survive a ship battle with less than 10% hull points remaining "I like to live dangerously"-Defeat a hostile ship while your ship does not have any shields Highwaymen- (when proper piracy is added) rob a trade ship "I'd buy that for a dollar"- (When trading is added) make your first purchase "Greed is good"- (When trading is added) Make N amount of profit on a single sale Get in the Robot- (when mechs are added back in) build a mech The Great Journey- Visit a habitat Five stars- Survive for x amount of minutes with maximum space police pursuit level Mega Idol- Achieve maximum reputation with a faction Persona non grata- Achieve the lowest reputation with a faction Green energy- Power a structure with only wind and/or solar Locally sourced- Fuel a reactor with hydrogen purified from water Deep Sea Prospector- Mine ore that is under water "Beam me up, Scotty"- Use a Teleporter for the first time

Tisdag1 commented 3 months ago

Harvest N amount of fuel from gas clouds "Smell the fumes" "Scoop this" "Gas Guzzler" "Drain it dry"

Harvest N amount of water "It's wet!" "Thirsty?" "Make it rain"

Salvaging N amount of scrap "Oh, scrap!" "Scrap Rat" "Junkyard life" "Take it all" "Deconstructed" "What's it worth?"

Hauling N amount of fuel in storage tanks "Handle with care" "Walk softly" "Got a light?" "Don't spill"

Mine N amount of ores "Rock on!" "Oooh Shiny!" "Rock N Roll!" "Whistle while you what?" "Diggy Hole" <--- I just had to. 😜 "All that is gold" "Hard head" "Thar be treasure!" "Heavy metal!"

tsunamayo commented 3 months ago

Thanks a lot all, there are a lot of good idea and good name! It will take a while to implement everything, the icons especially will be a bit time consuming.

tsunamayo commented 3 months ago

@Alkaliii @Tisdag1 @Crimson-Artist As your names are amazing (I want to use them all!), do you have some recommendation for travelling distance:

All in three variants: low, med and high. I am not 100% sure yet I will use three variants though.

Uncle-Ulty commented 3 months ago


  • in hovercraft "I'm in love with my hover"
  • In lightcruise "Spread your wings and fly away"
  • Number of warps/ or lightyear distance for warps "One more time!"
Tisdag1 commented 3 months ago

I really liked a couple of Uncle-Ultys so I added them with mine. I hope you don't mind Uncle-Ulty! 😄 I also added a couple more categories in case you were interested. Also the numbers are ones I just threw on there. You can change them to whatever you think works best.

Walking 5km "Going for a stroll" 10km "Cross country" 20km "The road goes ever on"

Sprinting 5km "Out of breath" 10km "Going the distance" 20km "I have good boots!"

Hovercraft 20km "Low rider" 40km "Road trip!" 80km "Are we there yet?"

Lightcruise short "Spread your wings and fly away" <---Uncle-Ultys medium "Now we're cruising!" long "Ludicrous speed!"

Warps 1 warp "Boldly Go" 10 warps "Curious Cat" 20 warps "Stargazer" 40 warps "One more time!" <---Uncle-Ultys

tsunamayo commented 3 months ago

Thanks all, yeah I like those recommendation a lot. It is actually quite funny coming up with name. For hover we could also use puns based on air, like his airness (reference to Michael Jordan, as the highest tier for example), knowing that any road suggestion could also be used for cars when we have wheels.

Crimson-Artist commented 3 months ago

Hover Low- Going to Tosche station Mid- Eurobeat Intensifies High-The Swift and the Salty

Lightcruise Low- Dangerously Elite Mid- "Engage!" High- "They've gone to Plaid!"

Warp Low-No loading screens here! Mid-Gellar Fields Holding High- Pierce the Heavens!

ProPeach commented 3 months ago

The first Warp Jump surely has to be rewarded with a "Punch it Chewie!" Achievement

Tisdag1 commented 3 months ago

☝️ Uhhh.. This, I vote for this! 😄

Aranhanauta commented 3 months ago

Achievements for things happening for the first time:

Building first base (note: station with a power source):

Building a production system for the first time (Refinery connected to an assembler connected to a warehouse):

Building a first Hover-craft:

Building first ship:

Leaving the planet for the first time:

Entering an asteroid ring for the first time:

Mining off-planet for the first time:

Entering LightCruise for the first time:

Docking at a space station for the first time:

Refueling the ship on a space station for the first time:

Completing a bounty hunting mission for the first time:

Landing on a moon/another planet for the first time:

Building a base on a moon/another planet for the first time:

Landing on a Habitat Ring for the first time:

Collecting fuel in hydrogen clouds for the first time:

Making first fold for another system:

Arriving in a new solar system:

tsunamayo commented 3 months ago

The first Warp Jump surely has to be rewarded with a "Punch it ~Chewie~!" Achievement

@ProPeach Okay so I am currently adding this one, is the deal that Han dont say Chewie but people think he did? So having the crossed Chewie part of the pun?

tsunamayo commented 3 months ago

Also as Han says this when escaping the death star (if I recall correctly), I could have this achievement pops up only when warping to escape a fight. Or not as it is used in other movie / shows as a call to warp.

ProPeach commented 3 months ago

@ProPeach Okay so I am currently adding this one, is the deal that Han dont say Chewie but people think he did? So having the crossed Chewie part of the pun?

That was my thinking yeah! The Achievement would just be called "Punch It!"

Also as Han says this when escaping the death star (if I recall correctly), I could have this achievement pops up only when warping to escape a fight. Or not as it is used in other movie / shows as a call to warp

That's a really cool time to get an achievement (maybe with a hull integrity below a certain %?), the name could work great for that instance too

tsunamayo commented 3 months ago

Thanks a lot everybody, I have added plenty already and will keep adding more. It is a lot of fun on my side!

drimmel247 commented 2 months ago