tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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Change in heat and power values #5672

Closed Sithware closed 3 months ago

Sithware commented 4 months ago

Short Description of the issue:

Ships that previously were fully functional and under their maximum heat and power capacity are now above capacity and thus non-functional.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

This occured when updating to the latest version as these ships were under capacity when i built them last week.


Player log


I believe this to be a deliberate nerf, but I will report it anyway since I do not agree with it especially as it breaks carefully optimised ships built before the latest updates.

tsunamayo commented 4 months ago

@Sithware Hi, nope I didnt change anything, it must be a bug. Can you send me your ship in question?

Sithware commented 4 months ago

Well, it happened to more than this ship(file attached) including some from the workshop. On my machine it's above capacity in both heat and power, when it was below on both accounts during construction.

Copperdrop pleasure ship.zip

tsunamayo commented 3 months ago

@Sithware How much below?

Sithware commented 3 months ago

~5-10%,if my memory serves me right.

Tackietacktack commented 3 months ago

Can it be, that it is the same like this #5685 and the problem came from life support or electrolyser?

tsunamayo commented 3 months ago

image @Sithware Well I went on an loaded your ship with an older build, it is the same. By the look of it it really has too much systems crammed on for such a small body. I will let you fix it ;) Cheers

ProPeach commented 3 months ago

Heat and power load can sometimes be quite high when you first spawn a ship in while it charges its shields, perhaps that is what you were seeing @Sithware? The levels should drop down to normal once the shields are charged, perhaps newly spawned ships could start with their shields full to avoid this surge