tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[New build - DEFAULT] 24w014a: More achievements #5697

Open tsunamayo opened 6 months ago

tsunamayo commented 6 months ago

The player animation has been improved. New achievements have been added:

It's a-me, Mario! Link a reactor to a tank with pipes.

For Future Reference Export a blueprint.

Voila! Upload a blueprint to the workshop.

Put a ring on it! Visit the planetary rings of a gas giant.

Beam me up, Scotty! Use a Teleporter for the first time.

Thar be treasure Mine 10 crystals.

Light this candle! Complete your first spaceship and reach space!

Green Energy Produce 1000 e/s on a entity with only wind or solar.

Fort Knox - ha - it's for tourists! Stash 1000L of gold ingots in a container.

Dangerously Elite Spend 5 minutes travelling in Lightcruise.

Now we're cruising! Spend 30 minutes travelling in Lightcruise.

Ludicrous Speed! Spend 120 minutes travelling in Lightcruise.

A small step... Step on another world.

I am going on an adventure! Step on 10 different planets.

All these worlds are yours... Step on 50 different planets.


5689 #5680 Player ejected from seat when exiting

5693 Player alignment issue on elevator

Horkas commented 6 months ago

Since you mentioned player animation, as a off and on 2D/3D artist and animator myself, I thought I would give some feedback on them:

- (Walk cycle)

- (Run cycle)

- (Jumping/Falling cycle)

- (Default max walking speed): Needs bumped up by about 10%.

- (Player momentum): Player currently will launch inches off the ground from tiny objects, causing the falling animation to spasm constantly. This might be able to be fixed by having a collision sphere on the root bone on the player rig, detecting how far off the surface they are before playing a falling or momentum falling animation? (Link to example gif I made of the issue: https://gyazo.com/84e10741a27500d1fc2077ab0bfecf72 )

- (Side strafe)

- (Lack of Crouching)

tsunamayo commented 5 months ago

@Horkas Thanks for the feedback, I didnt understood all of it though, I am not an animator and I use pre-made animations. Btw I am already doing what you explain in player momentum (this update changed it from a raycast to a closest point, aka a collision sphere), I will need to tweak it a bit further though indeed.

Horkas commented 5 months ago

Ah, I'm guessing you are using Mixamo then for the animations and probably auto-rigging? Nothing wrong with using the premades and auto tools! Helps save allot of time! But if you ever need help with animations or rigging. I'd be more than happy to help out in what ever way I can. I really want to see this game come to full life!