tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[Dev Asks} anyone got a codex item pick up issue? #5749

Open tsunamayo opened 1 month ago

tsunamayo commented 1 month ago

I just played a bit in the normal player (I usually play from the Unity editor) and had a bug where it was clumsy to drag an item from the codex. I had to pick up something from the item bar first otherwise it would not work. Did someone got that issue? I did not managed to reproduce when restarting the game after. Cheers

king32109 commented 1 month ago

I had it a few times forgot to report it. But usualy it happens in a just loaded in workd and q restart fixes it

ProPeach commented 1 month ago

It's pretty interesting how often there are bugs in the Steam branch but not in the editor 🤔 I don't think I've experienced this one though, never had any issues dragging stuff. Maybe it could be related to the multiple brick shape icons? I very rarely use those, I always grab the individual bricks

tsunamayo commented 1 month ago

@ProPeach Yeah it is pretty rare but this sometime happen. I cant say it is one of those yet, might just be a coincidence.

CoasterBlock commented 1 month ago

Yes I do actally have that Issue! Sometimes I cant even pick items up from the codex when I copy/pasted something or used a tool. It isnt 100% reproducable, but thats where I noticed it the most. Switching to another tool or canceling a copy will usually fix it