tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[BUG] Ship invisible on world load. Cannot control it, upon respawn end up controlling both a ship and player #5753

Open Timtee opened 1 month ago

Timtee commented 1 month ago

Short Description of the issue:

Ship was invisible upon world startup (not entirely sure why.) but when I tried to control it after locating it's joystick, it did nothing. But after despawning the invisible ship, and spawning in a fresh version of the ship, it immediately made me control the ship, but still control my player.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

I don't entirely know how to say how to reproduce the invisible ship bug persay, other than maybe something to do with docking connectors and/or maglocks but... unsure. But as for the controlling the ship and player? Upon encountering the invisible ship bug, first locate the joystick/yoke of the ship if it has one, This can be done whilst holding a block to make it easier to see the outline of the bricks on the ship. Attempt to control the ship, and then exit the joystick/yoke of the ship. Either spawn in a fresh version ship, or delete the old invisible ship and then spawn in a fresh new version of the ship. At that point you should be in control of both the ship and your player.


Additional information:

Picture to show the ui of both the ship ui and the normal player ui being both present. Log just incase there is anything in it to state the whys of this. image Player.log

tsunamayo commented 1 month ago

@Timtee Hi, well of course to reproduce and fix the bug I will need to have a look at your blueprint. Could you send it to me too? Thanks

Timtee commented 1 month ago

To be fair although I understand that sending it could help you figure the issue out... I personally don't wanna share it currently as A: it's an unfinished ship, and B: I also don't want others to yoink it, besides I don't believe this bug is related to the blueprint in any way as the ship itself in question hasn't changed in any way between it becoming invisible/despawning essentially partially, and me spawning it back in fresh. And I do believe the cause was related to the docking connector for why it was invisible. Though the when on when it became invisible i wouldn't know

tsunamayo commented 1 month ago

@Timtee Hi, are you on discord? You can ask my mail to one of the mod so you can send me your world (if the issue is with docking send me your world where the ship is invisible). I wish github had a private messaging system ( I dont want to drop my mail in the clear here too) Otherwise you can upload it to the workshop but in private. I will still be able to see it (I think). Then send me the link, and I we should be able to talk on steam if necessary. I have plenty of docked entity in my world (btw all the station module are docked together), so I need that to reproduce. Once I get the world it should be an easy fix. Btw I want to focus on the root cause (ship is invisible), rather that all the weird stuff that happens afterward.


Timtee commented 1 month ago

I do have a discord, and I am in the Sevo Discord yes, It shouldn't be hard to find me, though my icon on discord is different from here on Github. (my icon is the same though between Discord and Steam, among other platforms typically, though some platforms I don't end up updating my profile icon on.) Regardless, if you can manage to replicate the invisible ship glitch without either of the ships of mine in that picture that technically are involved (even though only the small one was invisible.) then that'd be great as I wouldn't have to send you the files. (Besides I personally don't see what there would be to gain info wise from looking at blueprint data if the root cause is the game itself and not a given specific blueprint.)

Also it's entirely possible that this bug, like a fair amount of others this game has, are only present in the compiled version of the game, and not the editor. (possible anyways, not an absolute given but... anyways.) Regardless, I shall contemplate if I wanna send the files over discord or not. (though i would need to likely package it all in a zip anyways and upload it to drive just to send to you because of being too big in file size to upload to discord directly kind of thing.)