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[Suggestion] Liquid pump and item filter #5754

Open MadTheDog opened 1 month ago

MadTheDog commented 1 month ago

A pump for fue/liquids that forces the direction it should flow. This would make the creation of tanker-ships possible, and internal fuel logic, like reserve tanks. In the picture attached, an example is shown, where tank 1 would supply tank 2, but 2 would be unable to push liquids back. The pump could be used like the valve, in which it has to be enabled first.

Another suggestion is an item-filter-like block like the one in Space Engineers. It would work similarly to the liquid pump, however it would also have a filter function. This would make it possible to dedicate production blocks for different purposes, for example, a furnace dedicated to iron, one for copper, and one for gold. The filter would also be one way, making it possible for drop-off containers, before being sorted in a more permanent place for example. In the picture attached cargo container A would be a drop-off container, while container B would be the permanent one. (Bad example with only 2 containers, but I hope the example explains my thoughts)

Liquid pump   item filter (2)