tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[New build - DEFAULT] 24w21a: Power Cell #5773

Open tsunamayo opened 1 month ago

tsunamayo commented 1 month ago

A new way to power your craft has been added with the power cell (item) and the power cell base (brick). This is mainly to address a gap in powering smaller craft like hovercraft in survival, as using fuel is higher tier and more complex. Place a power cell base on an entity and plug a power cell to it. You can set the base to either charge power or draw power from the cell.

Survival Impact: This build now counts the item bar volume in the total player volume. The base player volume has been increased to 3000L.

Community Suggestions:

5765 Display can show a container filling percentage.


5762 Wrong description for system

5763 Character slides on slopes after a jump.

5770 Female NPC have bugged hair

5768 Crash when arriving nearby planetary rings

Crimson-Artist commented 1 month ago

@tsunamayo I think I already found some bugs

The power cells can not be picked up if you throw them on the ground. Edit- Nevermind, I was able to access the F menu. Not sure why I couldnt before. You also can not change the power cell base settings. its seems to always be on draw from cell mode. Is it suppose to have a context menu that we can access with the F key? if so I cant seem to access it.

also would you consider making the power cell base scale-able? Its kind of big but it would look great on handhelds as a magazine if we could make it smaller. You can have the power cell item work with every size and the power output/charge is based on the scale of the power cell base. The power cell item acting like a limited time key. 20240523022303_1

thriple commented 1 month ago

@tsunamayo Curious about this message. Is this a temporary patch? I'm sure everybody wants to put docks on child entities.


Crimson-Artist commented 1 month ago

@tsunamayo Curious about this message. Is this a temporary patch? I'm sure everybody wants to put docks on child entities.


that seems to be new. I was able to dock things to other things with docking ports on child entities in the last patch. it was bugged. it would teleport the entity inside of the other entity it was docking to. But it did consider it a successful "dock"