tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[SUGGESTION] power cells should be shrunk #5778

Open TIKIRobo opened 1 month ago

TIKIRobo commented 1 month ago

Screenshot 2024-05-26 181630 here are two mostly identical ships and their total flight times

the ship on the left (assuming its at full charge) can power two meters of thrusters (100% of its power) for 26.6 minutes the ship on the right (assuming full fuel) can power 4.5 m of thrusters for 40 minutes

both power sources take up the same area but the reactor is just plain better, however if the battery was shrunk down that would help with a lot of things first this battery is meant to be portable and used in small hovers/ships much like an IRL car battery
image instead its almost the size of the player's torso image it does not fit small craft second it would make the lower power output more palette-able as the smaller size would match its current output

TLDR: the current battery system works well and the stats make sense but not for a battery that large

ProPeach commented 1 month ago

Definitely agree on reducing the size of the Power Cell, something closer to that Capacitor would be great. Its just too big when combined with the charging base to incorporate onto a lot of starter hovercraft.

Also, I think it'd be a shame if these early game bricks only made sense in the early game and were completely overshadowed in the long run by later technologies. Ideally these Cells would still be a viable power source throughout the game as it will provide the player with choices to make and design around rather than just If Fuel Unlocked -> Only Use Fuel

It's also worth remembering that some planets won't have water for fuel, so renewable energy will be the players only source of electricity. Electric only vehicles will be a big part of the game in that sense, so the systems need to be strong enough to fit that use case too

Gallt commented 1 month ago

100% agree on both points.

tsunamayo commented 1 month ago

Yeah I hesitated to make it quarter meter, I will add a smaller one. Btw I didnt really intended to make it for spaceship, but for hovercraft and other smaller land vehicles. But I guess for a smaller spaceship it could work, just dont expect a lot of uptime with just a single cell.