tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[Survival][Hovercraft] Reactor is reacting odd #5820

Open surajnairpv opened 3 months ago

surajnairpv commented 3 months ago

Short Description of the issue:

I have driven this hovercraft without any issues 2 updates back. Now it seems for some reason the power bar on the bottom Left starts to deplete fast which brings down the hover craft.

Starship_EVO_hKn7Pie7tJ In the status as shared here it shows it generates 450 e/s and consumes 200 e/s (current power draw). I had even tried bringing up the power to 800 e/s on th thought that while moving maybe the current draw might be more but still has the same issue. Not sure if this is a bug since the hovercraft worked well before without any issues.

https://github.com/tsunamayo/Starship-EVO/assets/93534629/6c360aaa-bff4-45c8-969d-c2ae1c3dc364 here is the video of whats happening.

Please also include the Player.log file. You can find the log file here: Player.log Player-prev.log

If you issue concerns a particular design please include any blueprint that could help to reproduce the issue. Blueprint folder is over at: Transport Truck (2).zip

surajnairpv commented 3 months ago

@tsunamayo Is there any update on this issue? I understand that there are other bigger issues to resolve but I just wanted to know any update as I require this vehicle for mining. I will create another vehicle for mining in the meantime. Thanks.