tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[Mech] Event gate custom HUD labels do not display for mechs #5822

Open asanagisae opened 1 week ago

asanagisae commented 1 week ago

Short Description of the issue:

Hotkey and primary/secondary fire tooltips (defined in event gates) do not appear when controlling a mech.


They should be here:


Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Build or load a mech with event gate custom HUD labels defined.
  2. Control the mech.
  3. Observe that the tooltips do not appear.
  4. Optionally: Put a spaceship computer on the mech, point the joystick/yoke at the spaceship computer instead, control that, and observe that tooltips now appear.


Additional information:

For convenience, this mech has event gates wired to primary fire and hotkey 1 already. It should display tooltips when you sit in the seat, but they do not.

It's linked like this:

Seat > Joystick > Event gates (primary fire) > lasers Seat > Joystick > Event gates (hotkey 1) > switch > connector
