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[New build - MECH PREVIEW] 24w25b: Mechs improvements #5824

Open tsunamayo opened 1 week ago

tsunamayo commented 1 week ago

Mechs are being improved:


5817 Key added are blocked by default with symmetry.

asanagisae commented 1 week ago

There's this uncontrolled camera sway in the new build. It is both an unstable camera wobble about the current direction, as well as a general shift in the direction you're looking at.

It happens whether the mech moves or not, affecting both east and west mech settings. It does not affect space ships.

This affects both 1st person and 3rd person views while in the mech.

In this video, I am only pressing the A and D keys. I am not moving my mouse. The camera still wobbles on its own.


When moving the mouse, especially in the east mech (when the mech turns to face where you're looking), it feels like I'm fighting with the controls.

There is a technique where we build a turret on a ship that aims where the player looks, and based on the angle of the turret's rotor, we use event gates to move other mechanisms for visual effect. I used it heavily in my caterpillar mech. The uncontrolled camera motion in this latest game patch renders the technique unusable.

Is this intended? It is rather disorienting.

asanagisae commented 1 week ago

When I attempt to dock with a station, the involuntary camera movement is even stronger.

Here, I try to look around. The camera immediately swings back to the from-behind view on its own.


Apologies for the frame stutter in the beginning, I have been seeing some random lag in the game when looking in certain directions during the past few days in the mech build..

asanagisae commented 1 week ago

Regarding feet...

I built this test rig made entirely of left ankle joints. I would expect this mech to hug the surface of terrain. It does not. I expect it to remain still on flat ground. It does not.

Green segments have hinges in one orientation, purple segments have hinges in the other orientation (rotated 180 degrees). I don't know which one is "up" in terms of mech animation, but they behave similarly.

Feel free to use this to test your foot implementations on terrain and stations.




tsunamayo commented 1 week ago

@asanagisae Hi, could you send me your mech from the camera and the docking platform issue? My camera is fine on my side. What are you FPS? Thanks

asanagisae commented 1 week ago

Hello @tsunamayo, I attached the mech blueprint to the other issue (created about the same time), thinking you'd already have it.

Demon's Throne.zip

I'm getting 58-62 fps, with very occasional drops to 44~. The issue doesn't look like it's tied directly to frame rate: that is, it doesn't stop happening when frame rate is exactly 60 fps.


Issue is stronger on planet terrain than on stations.

Issue behaves differently between first person and third person cameras (F4). In first, it seems I also get pushed by the back of the chair, and I'm unable to look backwards (which makes sense, that's ok). But they both wobble.


I'm also getting some massive slowdowns when I look at my other mechs, so I'll attach the world save too.

Mechatro WeGo.zip

tsunamayo commented 1 week ago

@asanagisae Thanks I will have a look at it. Sorry dont hesitate to add the bp each time, I dont keep mentally track of every issue booked and bp attached. Cheers I keep you posted.

tsunamayo commented 1 week ago

@asanagisae So both the camera and jittery have been fixed. It is still wobbly while walking, but that is because of your animation. Amazing concept btw, very funny!

asanagisae commented 1 week ago

That's good news. Wobble due to animation is good. If it's not good, it will keep the builder busy, which is good.

And I'm glad you like the chair! 😆

Thanks for your efforts, as always!