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[Discussion] Updating Steam workshop item deletes existing description #5826

Open asanagisae opened 1 week ago

asanagisae commented 1 week ago

This issue might encompass a few related topics. Apologies if it should be separate, but I'm not sure how many individual changes are needed while aligning with your vision, so let's discuss.

Short Description of the issue:

A user builds a ship then uploads it to the Steam workshop. Up to this point, things are ok.

Mostly. The "description" field does not save perfectly. Return/newline characters are dropped when saving the blueprint.

I understand that this field is used in the workshop item's description initially. Return characters are important in the workshop. We should do a QA pass to ensure that in-game description content supports everything the Steam workshop does.


The workaround is to edit the workshop item in Steam after uploading.

There are times when you improve a ship you've already uploaded, and you want to update the workshop version:


This UI lets you do just that. However, doing so will delete the description in the workshop and replace it with the shorter description in the SEVO blueprint. In most cases, this will be a major data loss. Players do not store local copies of descriptions for workshop items that were successfully published.

This is where the discussion begins.


Should the link between workshop and blueprint be 2-way? Can we choose to update the blueprint description with the workshop description, or at least choose not to overwrite the workshop's?

fellow-starmadian commented 1 week ago

In my unbiased opinion (because I certainly haven't had this happen to me TODAY haha..) I would definitely like an option to not update the steam workshop description at the least.