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[Mech] Feet vibrating while trying to auto level #5828

Closed ProPeach closed 5 days ago

ProPeach commented 1 week ago

Short Description of the issue:

See videoes, when the mech is stationary the feet are vibrating between positions. The first video shows that even on quite flat terrain, the feet vibrate

https://imgur.com/DwRPb0a https://i.imgur.com/a4wPpK4.mp4

In this screenshot, the feet are still vibrating while trying to level with the ground. But this results in the foot on higher ground attempting to sit at a strange angle as shown. 711980_20240624143429_1

A more "natural" looking stance that took into account would require the hip joint to change its angle and raise the knee, like in this image. image

Is this kind of thing possible to work into the auto leveling feature? It seems like some of the issues with the current angle IK are caused by the fact that the knee cannot move up/down to allow the foot to stay in contact with the ground. So the foot cannot actually find a nice angle to rest at because the height of the foot off the ground is fixed

Steps to reproduce the issue:


Additional information:

TIEm Mech Heavy Legs Walkin'.zip

TIKIRobo commented 1 week ago


i have this exact same problem but worse, at first i tried to use a custom joint for that white joint but the mech wouldn't make contact with the ground properly so when i switched it to being an ankle it could walk but also started jittering whenever it touched the ground, in this image the white limb should be mostly vertical but is instead at a steep angle

asanagisae commented 1 week ago

I think the auto leveling feature should be opt-in per joint.

The UI doesn't tell you that it will try to level feet joints for terrain, and only feet joints. Plus, for true IK, you need to have more than one joint available for inverse kinematic calculations. A checkbox per joint type would solve both problems.

As Peach said, sometimes you want the hips to assist with raising the leg on uneven terrain.

BigBadKangaroo commented 1 week ago

Can confirm, this happend to me aswell:


tsunamayo commented 1 week ago

@BigBadKangaroo @TIKIRobo Please send me your bp so I can check. Yes I will add an option for the feet auto-adjust for custom join. I still need to work on the auto-leveling of feet for uneven terrain, it is not really IK, it is more flexing the feet until both legs hit the ground. Not sure if it explains all of your issues, actually pretty sure it doesnt, hence I want to have a look at your mechs.

TIKIRobo commented 1 week ago

Farm Mech Test 2.zip @tsunamayo here you go, the animation and all that is broken but the legs will still freak out

BigBadKangaroo commented 1 week ago

@tsunamayo Hi there, here it is: KF-Hover-Cart II MECH.zip

tsunamayo commented 5 days ago

@ProPeach and all, issue is fixed for 24w26a. No more vibrations, better feet orientation that works with any rotator orientation (like your mech @ProPeach), and one leg will squat to level up the mech.

