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[Suggestion] Add editable/not editable button on entity page or chip #5831

Open drimmel247 opened 6 days ago

drimmel247 commented 6 days ago

Short Description of the issue:

I love working on ships and other items relatively close to each other, but this can cause an issue when I am not planning on editing the surrounding build. I realize this is what blueprinting is for(version control), but it is unideal when I accidentally delete the floor or a wall. This may place a larger role in survival (save time and resources by not having to worry about accidentally deleting something in your base of operation) and when multiplayer is fleshed out more (prevent other people from editing your build without permission or doing so in a pvp manner).

ex. I build a station with a hangar then try to build a ship in that hangar.

I would like to be able to make it so I can not edit the station while working on the ship/other entity.

ex. When working on the tutorial repair ship you are not able to edit/add/delete blocks from the starter station.

Side note - when I floated this idea in the discord it seemed like people liked the idea of turning off the editability of specific entities.