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[Bug] Mech does not appear in animation preview in mech computer #5834

Open asanagisae opened 5 days ago

asanagisae commented 5 days ago

Short Description of the issue:

The animation preview in the mech computer is empty - it shows the simulated terrain, but no mech.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

Follow these steps, checking the mech computer between steps to confirm that the animation preview never appears:

  1. Start a new mech with a starter block
  2. Make a leg of three hinges, setting them to hip left, knee left, ankle/foot left (in the expected order)
  3. Link the three joints to the mech computer
  4. Do the same for the right leg
  5. Add a reactor
  6. Add a yoke/joystick and attach it to the mech computer
  7. Name the mech
  8. Control the mech and move it around a bit
  9. Restart the game

Notice that, after all these steps, the animation preview still does not appear in the mech computer.

Note also that the preview window (opened by clicking the eye) does not stay open anymore. It is always closed when you close the mech computer and open it again.


Additional information:




ProPeach commented 5 days ago

I can produce this too, as well as the camera orbiting issues in #5816 it can make getting a good view of your mechs cycle quite tough

tsunamayo commented 5 days ago

@asanagisae Hi, I dont get the mech on the fist open, but on the second open it works fine. Do you get no mech at all after successive open?

asanagisae commented 5 days ago

There were 7 attempts at opening it in the videos, plus 4 after attaching a reactor, attaching a joystick, moving the mech around, and restarting the game.

I've actually not had much luck with any of my other mechs showing in the previews, after a certain patch (can't remember which). I thought it was because my builds were nonstandard (using arm joints for knees, not using any feet, etc.) but this one in the video is about as "normal" as a mech can be.

It would make sense to me that the mech would appear in the previews as soon as the mech computer was placed and animation previews were available, regardless of the state the mech is in. Is it intended that the mech would be invisible if certain conditions weren't met?

tsunamayo commented 5 days ago

@asanagisae Not at all intended, in the past the preview have had an issue of not showing up on the first try, but working well on the second. This was supposed to be fixed. In my test on an existing mech it was fine, after that on the new mech I did get one no show at first, but the successive one where successful. I will investigate and keep you posted.

tsunamayo commented 5 days ago

@asanagisae Now that I think of it, you did not assign an ankle isnt it? The preview needs an ankle or a custom join at feet to place the ground. I will change the logic for it to display like a normal entity when there is no feet (as I cant display the ground in that case)

asanagisae commented 5 days ago

In the first video, foot left:


I attached a foot right in the second video, but it didn't scroll down to confirm it visually.

tsunamayo commented 5 days ago

@asanagisae Hi, indeed. I have made the change I was talking about, the patch is now live (still 23w26a). Can you retry and tell me how it work for you? It is fine for me.

tsunamayo commented 5 days ago

I also realized that the speed estimation cannot work if there is no joystick linked to the computer, as it needs to know the direction of movement.

asanagisae commented 4 days ago

I got the update just now, but the mech is still invisible. I've confirmed it has left and right feet.


Spawning it from a fresh starter block, it is still missing from the preview.

No preview.zip

tsunamayo commented 4 days ago

@asanagisae It is working fine on my side...

asanagisae commented 4 days ago

Everything is linked up but it thinks it's 240 km in the sky?


I thought maybe it was the starter block, but nope. Taking it for an actual walk on the planet surface, it doesn't fix the apparent height.


I was going to try the mech preview branch (in case there's a code difference) but that seems to be removed.