tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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Planetary mining and asteroid mining disappears after going 50 meters away #5884

Open drimmel247 opened 1 month ago

drimmel247 commented 1 month ago

Short Description of the issue:

When mining on planets or asteroids the dig site will disappear if you go too far away.

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. spawn mining ship
  2. start mining either a planet or asteroid
  3. check depth - sometimes mining can get stuck at certain depths
  4. pull away from mining site 50 to 100 meters
  5. watch terrain try to show dig site as larger than original hole - landslide or terrain smoothing
  6. go back to original position on dig site - should see the terrain return to pre-dig/mining operation


Additional information:

Screenshots: Asteroid 20240714203515_1 20240714203428_1 Screenshots: Planet 20240716144546_1 20240716144608_1 20240716144842_1 20240716144619_1 20240716144922_1 20240716144538_1

Player logs: Player.log

mining ship to test with: Miner Cargo.zip

drimmel247 commented 1 month ago

Note: there is a slight bug where sometimes the mining and other lasers will reach a max depth that doesn't reach the deepest of resources in the ground.

Additionally, from discussing with the community. It is expected that ground will remain the same after digging/mining. in those holes we dig we are wanting to be able to build underground bases.

Dwarf-LordPangolin commented 1 month ago

Another consequence of what I believe to be this bug is that if you are mining by hand, when the terrain resets the player can become trapped underground, as their entrance tunnel has disappeared.
