tsunamayo / Starship-EVO

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[Survival][Suggestion]- Oxygen indicators #5901

Open Crimson-Artist opened 1 month ago

Crimson-Artist commented 1 month ago

Since we need to monitor our oxygen supply we need a some more HUD indicators for O2. I've made several mock ups.

When players pilot a vehicle, the ship stats window should have a small indicator for total oxygen in tanks similar to total fuel. There also needs to be an icon on the HUD at all times that indicates weather or not the player in is a oxygenated environment. O2 suggestion O2 suggestion 2

tsunamayo commented 1 month ago

@Crimson-Artist Hi, yes this is something on my to-do list. I dont like the current wide 02 meter, and we need something indeed for the environment. I dont like the new backpack indicator either, I also want to put in on a smaller format.