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[suggestion] ''sound'' blocks #5910

Open Tiekin02 opened 1 month ago

Tiekin02 commented 1 month ago

This might be a bit of a far fetched idea, but it could impact the game positivley.

A block that can play sounds uploaded to the block with preferrably an mp3 file with probably a max range of 1000m an option to loop the sound and a volume slider. It would probably have the appearance of a speaker attached to a wall. Here are some pros and cons

pro' s You can play your own music, especially great for people who like to build for long periods.

A lot of oppertunity for immersion, especially if combined with the event gate. This could lead to ai systems build into ships or alarm systems

con' s Sound blocks might be hard to code (I would not know), mainly allowing the blocks to pull sounds from the users files and uploading ships with these blocks to the workshop

If multiplayers servers are ever added (I do not know if this is planned at all) the blocks could be used to cause harm to a server

People could troll with the blocks by adding loud/annoying sounds to workshop submissions.

Solutions to cons: if servers would exist, allow them to disable the sound blocks a seperate volume slider in the audio options to allow players to turn them down/disable them an option to automaticly remove any audio files from workshop downloaded ships (if uploading soundblocks with the sounds causes issues, I would suggest to automaticly remove the audio files when uploading the ship to the workshop

I would have no idea if this is currently possible in the game, but if you don' t shoot, you never hit

Tiekin02 commented 1 month ago

note: the easiest way to implement this, is probably a folder somewhere in either the roaming files or the area where steam puts the games files.

That might reduce the possible issue of files being to large/taking up way too much disc space