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[Survival][Suggestion] New Resources for Survival #5920

Open Crimson-Artist opened 1 month ago

Crimson-Artist commented 1 month ago

As I look over the crafting recipes I notice that nearly everything we can craft requires at least 50-100% iron. I understand that in terms of scale keeping everything based around one resource helps with mass production however if theres going to be a sense of progress and a reason to explore the galaxy we will need many more resources to both acquire and craft. I've come up with a short list of new resources or new uses of current resources that could help add some diversity to the crafting system.

New Raw Ore

New Non-Solids

New Intermediates

Non-Solids as Crafting ingredients

asanagisae commented 1 month ago

I like this idea.

Care must be taken to ensure that players aren't blocked from at least progressing to warp jumps because their starter system is missing a key resource.

One possibility is the inclusion of "optional ingredients" in recipes. For example, you can build a hull block normally, or you can add iridium to the recipe to add extra heat capacity to the block (perhaps at the cost of reducing its contributed ship HP). While common materials are enough to progress to the end game, you will want large amounts of system-specific resources to tune your ship towards a specific purpose.

Games like Factorio and Foundry, which only require a very small collection of base ingredients for a significant portion of the early game (iron, copper, stone, coal), simulate progression through the use of intermediate recipes and crafting buildings. It's a successful and proven strategy.

tsunamayo commented 3 weeks ago

@Crimson-Artist Yes I agree with that and I had in mind most of the stuff proposed. I will add plenty of new resources as I add features to the game (weapon, new power sources)