tsunez / dvna

Damn Vulnerable NodeJS Application
MIT License
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CX Potentially_Vulnerable_To_Xsrf @ public/assets/showdown.min.js [master] #16

Open tsunez opened 3 years ago

tsunez commented 3 years ago

Potentially_Vulnerable_To_Xsrf issue exists @ public/assets/showdown.min.js in branch master

Method function at line 3 of public\assets\showdown.min.js gets a parameter from a user request from i. This parameter value flows through the code and is eventually used to access application state altering functionality. This may enable Cross-Site Request Forgery (XSRF).

Severity: Low


Vulnerability details and guidance


Recommended Fix

Lines: 3

Code (Line #3):

(function(){function a(a){"use strict";var b={omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks:{defaultValue:!1,describe:"Omit the default extra whiteline added to code blocks",type:"boolean"},noHeaderId:{defaultValue:!1,describe:"Turn on/off generated header id",type:"boolean"},prefixHeaderId:{defaultValue:!1,describe:"Specify a prefix to generated header ids",type:"string"},ghCompatibleHeaderId:{defaultValue:!1,describe:"Generate header ids compatible with github style (spaces are replaced with dashes, a bunch of non alphanumeric chars are removed)",type:"boolean"},headerLevelStart:{defaultValue:!1,describe:"The header blocks level start",type:"integer"},parseImgDimensions:{defaultValue:!1,describe:"Turn on/off image dimension parsing",type:"boolean"},simplifiedAutoLink:{defaultValue:!1,describe:"Turn on/off GFM autolink style",type:"boolean"},excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs:{defaultValue:!1,describe:"Excludes trailing punctuation from links generated with autoLinking",type:"boolean"},literalMidWordUnderscores:{defaultValue:!1,describe:"Parse midword underscores as literal underscores",type:"boolean"},literalMidWordAsterisks:{defaultValue:!1,describe:"Parse midword asterisks as literal asterisks",type:"boolean"},strikethrough:{defaultValue:!1,describe:"Turn on/off strikethrough support",type:"boolean"},tables:{defaultValue:!1,describe:"Turn on/off tables support",type:"boolean"},tablesHeaderId:{defaultValue:!1,describe:"Add an id to table headers",type:"boolean"},ghCodeBlocks:{defaultValue:!0,describe:"Turn on/off GFM fenced code blocks support",type:"boolean"},tasklists:{defaultValue:!1,describe:"Turn on/off GFM tasklist support",type:"boolean"},smoothLivePreview:{defaultValue:!1,describe:"Prevents weird effects in live previews due to incomplete input",type:"boolean"},smartIndentationFix:{defaultValue:!1,description:"Tries to smartly fix indentation in es6 strings",type:"boolean"},disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists:{defaultValue:!1,description:"Disables the requirement of indenting nested sublists by 4 spaces",type:"boolean"},simpleLineBreaks:{defaultValue:!1,description:"Parses simple line breaks as <br> (GFM Style)",type:"boolean"},requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText:{defaultValue:!1,description:"Makes adding a space between `#` and the header text mandatory (GFM Style)",type:"boolean"},ghMentions:{defaultValue:!1,description:"Enables github @mentions",type:"boolean"},ghMentionsLink:{defaultValue:"https://github.com/{u}",description:"Changes the link generated by @mentions. O

tsunez commented 3 years ago

Issue still exists.


Issue has 1 vulnerability/vulnerabilities left to be fixed (Please scroll to the top for more information)

tsunez commented 3 years ago

Issue still exists.


Issue has 1 vulnerability/vulnerabilities left to be fixed (Please scroll to the top for more information)

tsunez commented 3 years ago

Issue still exists.


Issue has 1 vulnerability/vulnerabilities left to be fixed (Please scroll to the top for more information)

tsunez commented 3 years ago

Issue still exists.


Issue has 1 vulnerability/vulnerabilities left to be fixed (Please scroll to the top for more information)

tsunez commented 3 years ago

Issue still exists.


Issue has 1 vulnerability/vulnerabilities left to be fixed (Please scroll to the top for more information)

tsunez commented 3 years ago

Issue still exists.


Issue has 1 vulnerability/vulnerabilities left to be fixed (Please scroll to the top for more information)