tsung-wei-huang / cs3992

Computer Engineering Senior Pre-Thesis and Pre-Project
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HealthyBois: Health Monitoring Application #9

Open linnebach08 opened 3 years ago

linnebach08 commented 3 years ago


Our team, HealthyBois, is working on a health monitoring application which would help you track workouts, health goals, how much water you drink in a day, and your heart rate. Visit Our Project Website

Project Objective: Build a mobile application to help with tracking your health using databases, embedded systems, possibly using Java and AndroidStudio, or C# and Xamarin.

Our project consists of two embedded system sensors:

These will interface with the application to store the data which you could then view on the application. Furthermore, the application would allow you to set health goals and input workout routines. The app would send notifications to remind you of your goals and letting you know if you're off pace.

This app will be useful because it can be hard to stick to a workout plan and drink enough water. Being healthy relies on both of these and this application combined with the embedded systems will help you stay on track and reach your goals.

Current Team Members and Their Duties Michael Linnebach (Team Leader): working on software programming, mainly backend development Brady Smith: Working on software programming, mainly frontend mobile app development Nathan Hummel: Working on software programming, mainly on communication with embedded systems

Joining HealthyBois: We are looking for people with the following skills:

Contact You can reply directly to this issue or contact Michael Linnebach at michael_linnebach@yahoo.com or (801) 680-8712

TristanStotesbery commented 3 years ago

Group 3 (Tristan Stotesbery, Spencer Durrant, Ben Van hoose): This product seems useful for athletes, or people who are concerned with their water intake. Some challenges to this project seem to include the size, how will the straw stay portable and small when it needs some sort of power as well as sensors attached to it? We could see this product being bought by gym enthusiasts, or other athletes. Our group would consider buying this if we were actively going to a gym or training for some sort of athletic event. We would improve upon how you are measuring the water content in the bottle (Bottles vary in size, how will you account for that?)

altonbill commented 3 years ago

Jacob Bills & Collin Pollard

What is the practical use of this project? Monitoring health status and keeping track of water intake and heartrate

What are the challenges to implementing this project? Size, keep the straw to a usable size Battery Longevity, What happens if I forget to charge it

What is the marketplace for this project? Heathnuts and Data Nerds

Will we buy it? Probably not, most people have wearables with heart rate tracking

What to improve the project from an outsider’s perspective Ditch the wearable, focus on getting the water tracking feature done. You can integrate with existing wearables for heartrate data. Maybe make a device that acts as an accessory for hydro flasks or another existing bottle

salwab commented 3 years ago
MrYo531 commented 3 years ago

What is the practical use? Keep track of your water intake, and potentially other health stats What are the challenges we think of to implement this project? Software/app development Configuring the sensors and the hardware component. The bracelet might be kinda hard. What is the marketplace for this projet? Anyone who cares about their healthy. Very wide open market, lotta people. Will we buy it? I care about my health, so yes. What to improve from an outsider's perspective? What will make your guys product stand out from existing apps similar to yours?

jason-zavala commented 3 years ago

What is the practical use of this project? Tracking your health stats!

What are the challenges we think of to implement this project? keeping the price down. Smart watches and other wearables are exist in a similar space and are extremely competitive.

What to improve from an outsider's perspective? I am hesitant on anything that I need to put INSIDE my water bottle

alexCharters commented 3 years ago

Comment from Group 6 Emmanuel Lotubai, Brandon Chen, Alex Charters:

What is the practical use? Monitor heart health and water intake.

What are the challenges we think of to implement this project?

What is the marketplace for this project?

Will we buy it? No thanks. It's neat though.

What to improve from an outsider's perspective? heart rate doesn't always correlate to heart health.

Huchimama commented 3 years ago

vectorU (Scott Crowley, Aaron Tea) There is practical use for this project, the problem is that there are already so many competing products. One challenge is you would have to use the straw all the time to track water intake. There is a big market for fitness items but breaking into it may be difficult. Depending on how easy it is to use and how well it works will depend if we will buy it. Suggestions, don't make the straw too bulky.

Interestle commented 3 years ago

Comment from Group 9 (Colton Watson, Seth Jackson, Phelan Hobbs):

What is the practical use? It can be challenging to monitor your water intake and monitor your heart rate. This would improve that.

What are the challenges we think of to implement this project? Communication among all the parts can be challenging. Humans are sensitive to electricity, and the skin can have a high impedance when dry.

What is the marketplace for this project? Health care providers

Will we buy it? Maybe if it had more features, it would be a definite, otherwise probably not.

What to improve from an outsider's perspective? Maybe include more such as caloric intake and/or an oximeter? Maybe look at integrating it with other currently available devices?

bbleaptrot commented 3 years ago

Comment from Group 5 (John, Luke, McKay, Benjamin): --Practical Use To help clients monitor heartrate and water intake. --Challenges Solar power recharging: this could be difficult to incorporate into a wearable and still be comfortable. --Marketplace Health Gurus, Medicine, Elderly --Purchase? We would not purchase this product. However, we imagine the medical industry would be more interested in using this product --Improvements Cost: The lower the cost, the more likely we would purchase this product Adding features: scheduling program for medications, estimated calories burned

Sam3077 commented 3 years ago

Comment from Group 1 (Benjamin Wadsworth, Dalton Clift, Sam Hirsch):

What is the practical use? Measure water intake and trends in heart rate to give insight to users' health trends. This seems primarily useful in more extenuating medical situations where a patient has to ensure they drink a precise amount of water every day (for example, dialysis patients). In this case, you may want to look into how to integrate with hospitals or doctors so that they can set goals and keep track of their patient's progress.

What are the challenges we think of to implement this project? One immediate problem we see is estimating the volume of water. If you want to use a depth sensor, you'll need to know precise information about the shape of the container which would be very cumbersome for users. You may want to look at using flow sensors, but those sensors aren't super precise when estimating smaller sips.

Other challenges will be maintaining battery and ensuring the product won't break.

What is the marketplace for this project? As mentioned above, I think that the medical community could be a good market for this product. From your website though, it seems like you're just targeting the fitness and health community. It may be difficult to show your advantage over simple water bottles.

Will we buy it? Personally, we wouldn't. It is likely cheaper to just use a water bottle with known measurements to keep track of water intake.

What to improve from an outsider's perspective? You should work on specifying how exactly you plan to estimate volume and what advantage you have over simply manually measuring intake. On the other hand, you could add medical specific features which will change your market but offer many more advantages.

BradySmith1019 commented 3 years ago

To Groups 3, 9: what's wrong with your comment

what's correct with your comment -- Keeping the straw small and portable is a problem we're working on. The varying sizes of water bottles is also a current challenge. We have thought about making our own custom water bottle for it or fitting it for a Hydroflask.

To Group 9: what's wrong with your comment -- Battery longevity is an issue we're working on, however forgetting to charge it is a user issue. -- Would changing it to just focus on water intake increase your chances of buying it?

To Group 8: what's wrong with your comment -- There are multiple things that our app would be able to do that a smartwatch cannot, such as tracking water intake with a smart straw. -- Also existing water intake apps rely on user input and don't actively track intake. what's correct with your comment -- A smart water bottle would be a good backup if the smart straw doesn't work.

To Kidus: what's wrong with your comment -- Heart rate sensor bracelet aren't too difficult to build. what's correct with your comment -- Configuring sensors and hardware will be difficult. The market for this product is very wide. Making the app standout is the real-time water tracking feature.

To Group 2: what's wrong with your comment -- No marketplace, focusing almost exclusively on heart rate sensor. what's correct with your comment -- We would ensure the straw would not contaminate the water.

To Group 6: what's wrong with your comment -- We're not trying to monitor heart health, just heart rate. what's correct with your comment -- Making the straw cleanable is a very real issue.

To Group 7: what's wrong with your comment -- While other competing products already exist for heart monitors, as far as we're aware, a smart straw to track water intake does not exist. Nothing is combining the two currently. Having to use the straw all the time is necessary if you want to track your water intake. what's correct with your comment -- Not making the straw too bulky is an issue we're currently facing. The market is also correct.

To Group 9: what's wrong with your comment -- We have a template for how to build a heart rate sensor to handle the high impedance of human skin since it has been done before. what's correct with your comment -- Communication between all the devices is a very real issue we're working on. -- Oximeter is a good idea, but we would have to use an existing one which would increase price. -- Caloric intake is also a good idea to add to the software.

To Group 5: what's wrong with your comment -- Medical industry isn't a great marketplace for our product unless we rework the app and sensors. We're going for more of a general health app. what's correct with your comment -- Scheduling program for medications is a good idea to add to software. -- Calories burned is a good idea as well.

To Group 1: what's wrong with your comment -- While the medical community would be a good market, configuring the app to comply with HIPAA would be difficult. what's correct with your comment -- Flow sensors would be a good replacement or addition to the straw.

YeZhou0226 commented 3 years ago

• Is the prototype related to the project? (with comments) Yes. The heart rate monitor can be the most important part for their project. • Is the prototype convincing for you to invest? (with comments) No. Without a wearable equipment it's not so possible to measure accurate heart rate.

MrYo531 commented 3 years ago

Is the prototype related to the project?

Is the prototype convincing for you to invest?

Durrantula commented 3 years ago

Group 3's response Is the prototype related? It's definitely related, covers a lot of aspects of the project.

Is the prototype convincing to invest in? Yes, a lot of the design is covered in this prototype.

altonbill commented 3 years ago

Is the prototype related to the project?

Yes, those are all things that will need to be implemented for the final version. I would be most interested in seeing a functional straw prototype.

Is the prototype convincing for you to invest? No. I think focusing on the wearable and heart rate sensor isn't the best idea, because most people who have a wearable already have one. The new and interesting part of this is the straw I think perfecting its functionality is more important.

Interestle commented 3 years ago

Comment from Group 9 (Colton Watson, Seth Jackson, Phelan Hobbs):

Is the prototype related to the project?

Yeah, this prototype is related to the project.

Is the prototype convincing for you to invest?

Probably not, could all of this be implemented by the time prototype sharing comes along? If all of these parts be implemented, we would be interested in investing in this.

alexCharters commented 3 years ago

Is the prototype related to the project?

Is the prototype convincing for us to invest?

bbleaptrot commented 3 years ago

Comments from Team 5 (Luke, Benjamin, John, Mckay): -Is this prototype related to the project?

Yes! Having a working heartrate monitor and app will be the majority of this product complete :)

-Is the prototype convincing us to buy?

Yes! Having these items completed basically has a working form of the product already.

ColinPollard commented 3 years ago

Is the prototype related to the project? Certainly.

Is the prototype convincing for us to invest? I think the prototype covers most of your bases, minus the water intake sensor. I would recommend initial testing of this component as it is one of the higher risk items.

salwaBukh commented 3 years ago

HealthyBois >> what about girls? Is the prototype related to the project?

Is the prototype convincing for us to invest?

dclift97 commented 3 years ago

Group 1 (Sam Hirsch, Dalton Clift, and Benjamin Wadsworth)

Is the prototype related to the project? It seems that the prototype if more focused on the heart rate monitor and not the straw, which from our understanding was the main part of the project.

Will we invest? No. There does not appear to be significant development beyond technology that is currently available, it seems the heart aspect it already implemented in common smartwatches.

Huchimama commented 3 years ago

vectoru (Aaron Tea, Scott Crowley) The prototype is related to the project. It is very easy to understand and very descriptive making easy for an investor to make a decision to invest.