tsunglung / XiaomiAirFryer

Xiaomi Smart Air Fryer integration for Home Assistant
MIT License
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some issues #1

Open ilker-aktuna opened 2 years ago

ilker-aktuna commented 2 years ago

First of all, thanks for this nice integration for the Xiaomi Air Fryer. I have imported it to HA but have 2 issues:

  1. when installed , my switch entity is named "switch.xiaomi_airfryer_careli_fryer_maf02" unlike your example. Do you know a reason for that ?
  2. after installation I only have the control to turn on/off the switch. I can not set target time, target temperature etc.
  3. and I can not pause cooking. None of these functions are available: Start cooking with custom mode Set Recipe ID Pause cooking Resume cooking Set Appoint Time

How can I do these ?

I am a new HA user but as far as I see there is nothing on the GUI to change the setting to "target time" for example.

any ideas ?

fantnhu commented 2 years ago

Hi! Thank you for your work! It works pretty much, but there are problems. I hope you can help. The tool works, turns on, turns off, I can choose a mode, I can choose a recipe ... What does not work: Setting the baking time and setting the baking temperature. I use target_time and target_temperature data, but it writes an unknown error.

service: xiaomi_airfryer.target_temperature data: entity_id: switch.xiaomi_airfryer_mi_smart_air_fryer_3_5l target_temperature: 120


service: xiaomi_airfryer.target_time data: entity_id: switch.xiaomi_airfryer_mi_smart_air_fryer_3_5l target_time: 3

Device type: careli.fryer.maf02 Everything works outside of these. Please help me, this is a great job from you! Képernyőkép 2022-01-03 103328

tsunglung commented 2 years ago

First of all, thanks for this nice integration for the Xiaomi Air Fryer. I have imported it to HA but have 2 issues:

  1. when installed , my switch entity is named "switch.xiaomi_airfryer_careli_fryer_maf02" unlike your example. Do you know a reason for that ?
  2. after installation I only have the control to turn on/off the switch. I can not set target time, target temperature etc.
  3. and I can not pause cooking. None of these functions are available: Start cooking with custom mode Set Recipe ID Pause cooking Resume cooking Set Appoint Time

How can I do these ?

I am a new HA user but as far as I see there is nothing on the GUI to change the setting to "target time" for example.

any ideas ?

  1. The name is from your naming in Mi home
  2. You can use service to set
  3. let me check later.
tsunglung commented 2 years ago

service: xiaomi_airfryer.target_time data: entity_id: switch.xiaomi_airfryer_mi_smart_air_fryer_3_5l target_time: 3

Device type: careli.fryer.maf02 Everything works outside of these. Please help me, this is a great job from you! Képernyőkép 2022-01-03 103328

let me check later

ilker-aktuna commented 2 years ago
  1. The name is from your naming in Mi home

Actually I did not use any name on Mi Home. "Careli" does not mean much to me. THis must be something default.

  1. You can use service to set

Thanks. But how do we use service ?

  1. let me check later.
fantnhu commented 2 years ago

service: xiaomi_airfryer.target_time data: entity_id: switch.xiaomi_airfryer_mi_smart_air_fryer_3_5l target_time: 3 Eszköz típusa: careli.fryer.maf02 Ezeken kívül minden működik. Kérlek segítsetek, remek munka ez tőled!Képernyőkép 2022-01-03 103328

hadd nézzem meg később

Wonderful! Everything works :) Thank you very much. Maybe you know the names of the recipes by ID? Or is there a list for that? Have a nice day :) Képernyőkép 2022-01-03 121448

ilker-aktuna commented 2 years ago

@fantnhu ; how do you set target temperature on HA UI ? also how do you pause cooking ?

tsunglung commented 2 years ago

Wonderful! Everything works :) Thank you very much. Maybe you know the names of the recipes by ID? Or is there a list for that? Have a nice day :)

recipes id means cooking mode


fantnhu commented 2 years ago

Hello! Very simple: I use Number Box integration (HACS) But this card can't call Xiaomi services, I created an Input number in confuguration.yaml: airfryer_target_temp: name: Hőmérséklet min: 40 max: 200 step: 5 airfryer_target_time: name: Sütési idő min: 5 max: 25 step: 1

Then in automations.yaml if the value changes, use the service to set the time / temperature:

`- id: '1630769407763' alias: AirFryer sütési idő beállítása trigger: platform: state entity_id: input_number.airfryer_target_time action:

ilker-aktuna commented 2 years ago

I've played a little bit with the HA I even integrated it directly with Alexa using AWS Lambda service and a custom Alexa skill. But finally I decided to remove HomeAssistant. It's entity based structure is not good for me. Even if I directly integrate it with Alexa (removing Hubitat from the flow) I have to use separate virtual devices to control each feature (target temp, target duration, remaining duration, status of device, recipe ID) A normal kitchen appliance integration shouldn't be like this. There are robust and good Alexa integrations where Alexa identifies the device as a kitchen appliance and controls all features through a single device name. (eg. set target temperature 200 on air fryer)

tsunglung commented 2 years ago

I've played a little bit with the HA I even integrated it directly with Alexa using AWS Lambda service and a custom Alexa skill. But finally I decided to remove HomeAssistant. It's entity based structure is not good for me. Even if I directly integrate it with Alexa (removing Hubitat from the flow) I have to use separate virtual devices to control each feature (target temp, target duration, remaining duration, status of device, recipe ID) A normal kitchen appliance integration shouldn't be like this. There are robust and good Alexa integrations where Alexa identifies the device as a kitchen appliance and controls all features through a single device name. (eg. set target temperature 200 on air fryer)

It is pity. HA is fun.

When you install HA, HA starts as white paper. You need to write what you need on it, install integrations, write automation, scripts, create your own lovelace etc.

After you finish the automation of HA, you will find HA is very powerful.

This custom component(integration) does not implement "PROFILE". With profiles, you easy to create an automation to cook. I have no time to implement it yet. I may to implement it when I have time.

Please do not give up HA.

ilker-aktuna commented 2 years ago

thanks for your reply. I believe HA is fun once you get it running as you need. However, I am already a user of Hubitat and I like the devices being organized there. Why I installed HA ? Because Mi Air Fryer does not have a native/direct integration on Hubitat. I was expecting to have a single device imported to Hubitat and be able to control target time/temperature , pause, resume cooking and selecting rtecipe ID. But HA has a entity based device structure. So with your custom integration on Hubitat I got several devices for the Mi Air Fryer (one switch and several sensors) I am able to change switch (on/off) , but I can't even set target temperature. Maybe if you do what you call "profile" , the integration would be better. I am not sure though.

My final aim is to be able to set temperature, duration and cooking recipe ID through Alexa. However with current integration that seems impossible.