tsutterley / gravity-toolkit

Python tools for obtaining and working with data from the GRACE and GRACE Follow-On missions
MIT License
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New gravity time series and some other additions #37

Open hulecom opened 3 years ago

hulecom commented 3 years ago

This pull request follows a pull request on the geoid-toolkit repository.

I propose new reading functionality for other centers. I updated the reading of CNES data for releases 4 & 5. I add reading for GRAZ, COST-G and SWARM data. Information about all those data is available in the comments. It might be interesting in the future to create a synchronization script for the data in the future.

I implemented C2,0 tide correction to compare the C2,0 series from differents centers with the same tide convention. This has been done following IERS conventions.

Debug /!\ aod1b_geocenter.py hasn't been updated for the new AOD1B releases. The code was still considering 6h interval between data even if this interval has been shortened to 3h now. Also a small debug for the mean function of spatial.py.

I created a script to read JPL MASCON available on Tellus and convert them to spherical harmonics. For comparison on spherical harmonics.

I did some plotting functions for personal convenience. That includes spherical harmonics coefficient plotting, Fourier transforms plotting and finally, wavelets transform plotting. For the robustness of those frequency plots, I created a function of gap-fill for the missing months. For now, it's only linear interpolation but I want to add a better gap-fill in the future.