tsutterley / gravity-toolkit

Python tools for obtaining and working with data from the GRACE and GRACE Follow-On missions
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No Matching Geocenter Months #94

Closed geodeepak closed 1 year ago

geodeepak commented 1 year ago

where to change or reshape the input

OSError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In [12], line 22 20 end_mon = np.max(months) 21 missing = sorted(set(np.arange(start_mon,end_mon+1)) - set(months)) ---> 22 Ylms = gravtk.grace_input_months(widgets.base_directory, PROC, DREL, DSET, 23 LMAX, start_mon, end_mon, missing, SLR_C20, DEG1, MMAX=MMAX, 24 SLR_21=SLR_21, SLR_22=SLR_22, SLR_C30=SLR_C30, SLR_C40=SLR_C40, 25 SLR_C50=SLR_C50, POLE_TIDE=POLE_TIDE, ATM=ATM) 26 # create harmonics object and remove mean 27 GRACE_Ylms = gravtk.harmonics().from_dict(Ylms)

File ~/Seasonal/read-GRACE-harmonics-main/notebooks/gravity_toolkit/grace_input_months.py:781, in grace_input_months(base_dir, PROC, DREL, DSET, LMAX, start_mon, end_mon, missing, SLR_C20, DEG1, **kwargs) 779 if months_test: 780 gm = ','.join(f'{gm:03d}' for gm in months_test) --> 781 raise IOError(f'No Matching Geocenter Months ({gm})') 782 # for each considered date 783 for i,grace_month in enumerate(months):

OSError: No Matching Geocenter Months (248,249)

tsutterley commented 1 year ago

Hi @geodeepak, this error is pointing that you need an updated geocenter file (e.g. TN-13 from JPL) to cover the last two months of data. There are similar catches for using satellite laser ranging files to replace low degree and order harmonics.

There is an option to the input to interpolate the existing geocenter file to cover these months (MODEL_DEG1=True), but I would exercise caution using this option for anything beyond creating quick-looks.