tsuyoshicho / vimrc-reading

split vimrc from dotfile repository for reading
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Note2 #24

Closed tsuyoshicho closed 4 years ago

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

from Note #21

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

check and markdown use(header === fixing?)

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

create plugin

plugin install

lightline / lsp status plugin

like this

let g:lightline = {}

let g:lightline.component_expand = {
      \  'linter_checking': 'lightline#ale#checking',
      \  'linter_warnings': 'lightline#ale#warnings',
      \  'linter_errors': 'lightline#ale#errors',
      \  'linter_ok': 'lightline#ale#ok',
      \ }

let g:lightline.component_type = {
      \     'linter_checking': 'left',
      \     'linter_warnings': 'warning',
      \     'linter_errors': 'error',
      \     'linter_ok': 'left',
      \ }
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

progress bar use dot

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago


quickfix/loclist crlf to lf filter

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

Renovateによるnpmパッケージ定期更新 - 一休.com Developers Blog


tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago


rel https://gist.github.com/mattn/d909c93784aa81d97b82c0896ef38ca8 https://machakann.hatenablog.com/entry/2019/03/15/202716

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

ezfilterを入れ ezfilterに依存でfuzzy-matchを入れて fuzzy-matchの後設定として、mattnさん的な上書き設定する

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago


tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago


tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

toml の 各プラグインの augroupは独立 + vimrc_init-<plugin名> などにする

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

If it do so https://github.com/svermeulen/vim-cutlass https://github.com/svermeulen/vim-yoink https://github.com/svermeulen/vim-subversive

set install & replace yankround

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

set 'switchbuf'

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago


tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago


need snippets?

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

https://github.com/liuchengxu/vista.vim ctags / lsp

disable tagbar?

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

colorscheme.toml non lazy create

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago


CtrlP matcher check

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago


tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago


tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago


tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

replace undotree?

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago


Windows native command(head?) / bat check and setting setup

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago



tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

replace? 2 https://github.com/mhinz/vim-grepper

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

replace? https://github.com/deris/vim-shot-f

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

current replace and to submode

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

Git Branch's description

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago

bash git top cd

tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago


tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago
tsuyoshicho commented 4 years ago