tsuza / TF2CA-weaponmodel_override

[TF2] Sourcemod plugin that lets you change your viewmodel ( weapon model, arms model, arms animations )
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Getting a weapon which uses this system removed while it is equipped breaks it. #13

Open SupremeSpookmaster opened 1 year ago

SupremeSpookmaster commented 1 year ago

To be more precise, if the weapon you are holding uses these attributes and is removed via plugin, and then the plugin auto-switches you to another weapon which also uses these attributes, the old weapon's model doesn't go away. For example: I give myself a rocket launcher using these attributes, I take the rocket launcher away after 5s and auto-swap to an SMG which also uses these attributes, the SMG now uses the rocket launcher as a model.

This issue fixes itself if you switch your weapon manually, but it still looks pretty bad, hence why I'd like it fixed. I made a fork and tried to fix it myself, but none of my changes seemed to do anything, so I'm at a loss.

tsuza commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the report. Could you provide a small script to reproduce it?

SupremeSpookmaster commented 1 year ago

Sure thing, here's a brief example:

public void SpawnExampleWeapon(int client) //Spawn a rocket launcher as an example, we'll assume this rocket launcher uses this plugin's attributes.
    int weapon = Basic_SpawnWeapon(client, "tf_weapon_rocketlauncher", 18, 77, 7, 0, 9999, 9999, "2 ; 2.0");
    if (IsValidEntity(weapon))
          DataPack pack = new DataPack();
          CreateTimer(5.0, RemoveAndSwitch, pack, TIMER_FLAG_NO_MAPCHANGE);
          WritePackCell(pack, GetClientUserId(client));
          WritePackCell(pack, EntIndexToEntRef(weapon));

public Action RemoveAndSwitch(Handle swap, DataPack pack)
    int client = GetClientOfUserId(ReadPackCell(pack));
    int weapon = EntRefToEntIndex(ReadPackCell(pack));

    if (client < 1 || client > MaxClients || !IsPlayerInGame(client) || !IsValidEntity(weapon))
          return Plugin_Continue;

    //We'll just assume the weapon will always be in slot 0 for this example, since it will be because we're spawning a rocket launcher.
    TF2_RemoveWeaponSlot(client, 0);   //Remove the timed weapon.
    SetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hActiveWeapon", GetFirstValidWeapon(client)); //Automatically switch the client to the first valid weapon they're holding. For the sake of this example, we can assume this weapon uses this plugin's attributes.

int GetFirstValidWeapon(int client)
    int ReturnValue = -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        ReturnValue = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, i);
        if (ReturnValue != -1)

    return ReturnValue;

//I completely ran out of time so I had to copy/paste this directly from the plugin I'm working on. It likely won't work with this script, sorry, I would complete it if I had time but I have to go.
int Basic_SpawnWeapon(int client, char classname[255], int index, int level, int quality, int slot, int reserve, int clip, char atts[255])
    if(StrEqual(name, "saxxy", false))  // if "saxxy" is specified as the name, replace with appropiate name
            case TFClass_Scout: ReplaceString(name, 64, "saxxy", "tf_weapon_bat", false);
            case TFClass_Pyro:  ReplaceString(name, 64, "saxxy", "tf_weapon_fireaxe", false);
            case TFClass_DemoMan:   ReplaceString(name, 64, "saxxy", "tf_weapon_bottle", false);
            case TFClass_Heavy: ReplaceString(name, 64, "saxxy", "tf_weapon_fists", false);
            case TFClass_Engineer:  ReplaceString(name, 64, "saxxy", "tf_weapon_wrench", false);
            case TFClass_Medic: ReplaceString(name, 64, "saxxy", "tf_weapon_bonesaw", false);
            case TFClass_Sniper:    ReplaceString(name, 64, "saxxy", "tf_weapon_club", false);
            case TFClass_Spy:   ReplaceString(name, 64, "saxxy", "tf_weapon_knife", false);
            default:        ReplaceString(name, 64, "saxxy", "tf_weapon_shovel", false);
    else if(StrEqual(name, "tf_weapon_shotgun", false)) // If using tf_weapon_shotgun for Soldier/Pyro/Heavy/Engineer
            case TFClass_Pyro:  ReplaceString(name, 64, "tf_weapon_shotgun", "tf_weapon_shotgun_pyro", false);
            case TFClass_Heavy: ReplaceString(name, 64, "tf_weapon_shotgun", "tf_weapon_shotgun_hwg", false);
            case TFClass_Engineer:  ReplaceString(name, 64, "tf_weapon_shotgun", "tf_weapon_shotgun_primary", false);
            default:        ReplaceString(name, 64, "tf_weapon_shotgun", "tf_weapon_shotgun_soldier", false);

    Handle hWeapon = TF2Items_CreateItem(OVERRIDE_ALL|FORCE_GENERATION);
    if(hWeapon == INVALID_HANDLE)
        return -1;

    if (unequip)
        TF2_RemoveWeaponSlot(client, slot);

    TF2Items_SetClassname(hWeapon, name);
    TF2Items_SetItemIndex(hWeapon, index);
    TF2Items_SetLevel(hWeapon, level);
    TF2Items_SetQuality(hWeapon, qual);

    char atts[32][32];
    int count = ExplodeString(att, ";", atts, 32, 32);

    if(count % 2)

    TF2Items_SetNumAttributes(hWeapon, count);

    for(int i; i < count; i += 2)
        int attrib = StringToInt(atts[i]);
            TF2Items_SetAttribute(hWeapon, i == 0 ? 0 : i / 2, attrib, StringToFloat(atts[i + 1]));

    int entity = TF2Items_GiveNamedItem(client, hWeapon);
    delete hWeapon;
    if(entity == -1)
        return -1;

    EquipPlayerWeapon(client, entity);

        SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Send, "m_bValidatedAttachedEntity", 1);
        SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Send, "m_iWorldModelIndex", -1);
        SetEntPropFloat(entity, Prop_Send, "m_flModelScale", 0.001);

    if (slot < 2)
        #if defined TESTING

        SetAmmo(client, entity, reserve);
        SetClip(client, entity, clip);


        //The following functionality completely obliterates bots and makes them constantly swarm the resupply locker.
        //This causes them to constantly have their character recreated. For just one client? This is no issue.
        //20+ bots all doing it at the same time? Say goodbye to your server performance.
        //I don't intend to make CF work with bots, so I won't bother fixing this myself, but it DOES make testing very difficult, hence the #if defined TESTING.
        if (!spawn)
            SetAmmo(client, entity, reserve);
            SetClip(client, entity, clip);
            DataPack pack = new DataPack();
            RequestFrame(CFW_GiveAmmoOnDelay, pack);
            WritePackCell(pack, GetClientUserId(client));
            WritePackCell(pack, EntIndexToEntRef(entity));
            WritePackCell(pack, reserve);
            WritePackCell(pack, clip);


    strcopy(s_WeaponFireAbility[entity], 255, fireAbility);
    strcopy(s_WeaponFirePlugin[entity], 255, firePlugin);
    strcopy(s_WeaponFireSound[entity], 255, fireSound);
    b_WeaponIsVisible[entity] = visible;

    return entity;