tsvwg / draft-ietf-tsvwg-udp-options

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CMH: Clarification for FRAG Option Corner Cases #51

Open Mike-Heard opened 2 months ago

Mike-Heard commented 2 months ago

Section 11.4 (Fragmentation) requires that if an instance of FRAG with a valid length (10 or 12, or possibly 12 or 14, if the extended length format is used) occurs when UDP Length > 8, then the entire option area is considered malformed and is discarded. I wanted to note that these instructions, combined with those in Section 10, have the following implications for some other corner cases:

IMO the behavior described above, if it is indeed a correct interpretation of the spec, is fine. I just wanted to get confirmation that this is indeed the intent of the spec (or if it isn't, to get clarification on what the intent is).