tsvwg / draft-ietf-tsvwg-udp-options

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MD/CMH: Change minimum reassembled UDP datagram size from 3000 to 2926 #52

Open Mike-Heard opened 2 months ago

Mike-Heard commented 2 months ago

In https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/tsvwg/dxL8px2Gri30qw2xTBes5UQohM4/, Martin Duke wrote:

(11.4) 2 fragments/3000 bytes as a minimum will work, of course, but it seems like an odd number. This seems to be related to the canonical 1500B MTU, but that would imply that 2 fragments would be 2926 for IPv4 and 2886 in IPv6, if my math is correct. (To be clear, I can live with 3000)

I also get 2926 for IPv4 and 2886 for IPv6, if we include the reconstituted UDP header in the total. Not a big deal, of course, but for internal consistency I suggest s/3000/2926/.