tt-acm / DesignExplorer

Design Explorer is an open source web interface for exploring multi-dimensional design spaces
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Design Explorer 2 #74

Closed MingboPeng closed 8 years ago

MingboPeng commented 8 years ago

Added google Link, and full screen charts. New scatter plots chart.

mostaphaRoudsari commented 8 years ago

@MingboPeng thank you for the pull request. I know that I asked you to send a pull request to this repository but at the same time I'm not sure who is going to make decisions about the future of DesignExplore at this point. Let me email @bhowes-tt and @JonatanS to see what will be the best approach and I will get back to you.

mostaphaRoudsari commented 8 years ago

@MingboPeng, @bhowes-tt will take care of this PR. Also make sure that you guys will have lunch when you start working at TT soon. Thanks again for doing this :100:

bhowes-tt commented 8 years ago

@MingboPeng - thank you so much for this. Awesome work! :boat:

I'm reviewing / testing now, and will likely come back with a few small items for you before we merge this pull. I'm excited to meet you! Be sure to come find us when you get started at TT.

More to follow - stay tuned.

bhowes-tt commented 8 years ago


I was able to get my own example running using your new build, and google drive to host and serve the images and the data ... AMAZING WORK :boat: :octopus: :lemon: !!!

There are a few issues that need your attention before we'll merge the pull, however:

1) The major issue is the 3D viewer / links to spectacles.json files. I added a 'threeD' column to my spreadsheet, and uploaded .json files exported from Grasshopper using Spectacles. I figured the 3D content would/should work just like the image content, but it looks like your current build is looking for the .json files on the web server, not in the google drive folder. Also, it looks like you are getting a vA3C / Spectacles error: image

Please re-enable the 3D viewer, and let Spectacles.json files work just like images do in the google folder/spreadsheet.

2) Sliders are still there and working when an old sample data set is loaded (like the one that loads by default), but don't show up in my example. Is this intentional or a bug? Please explain... Maybe I'm missing something... image image

3) If the parallel coordinates UI is hidden with the little down arrow, it can never be brought back. This is working in our old build. Please fix this if you can (this is by far the lowest priority issue on this list). image

4) Logo / Splash page. Let's keep the name of the project the same - 'Design Explorer', not 'Design Explorer 2' - and revert back to the old logo. I'd also ask that we omit some of the content on the splash view - see the image below. You can certainly keep all of that content on your fork if you'd like to, but I don't think it makes sense as part of a pull request. image

5) Scatterplots. I do prefer the scatterplots over the radar chart... But, if I check anything in the horizontal list, the plots disappear - it looks like it's just using [2 or more] vertical variables, which feels like a bug. Please have a look and either let us specify both horizontal and vertical (which we'd prefer), or just provide a single list. Also, please refer to the library you are using in the .README file.

Please let me know if you have any questions about any of these issues, and thank you so much for the great work. I'm super excited about the pull... very well done.

MingboPeng commented 8 years ago

Hi Ben,

It seems cannot reply this by email!

Thanks for testing out.

1) The google drive folder was built for images originally, but I have found the method to load json from google drive file as well. Working on it. 2) The slider problem is because you didn’t put “in:” or “out:” in the csv or google. I also have a solution for it. 3) This is strange, I will fix it. 4) Sure, the logo and other staffs were used in the one hosted in a MEBD related server (for UPenn student use purpose), and definitely happy to remove some unnecessary content. 5) This is Horizontal axis only works while checked item is also checked in the Vertical axis. I know this is weird, because of the way used in original library. I think the easiest solution might be remove all horizontal items, and change vertical axis to the single list.

Thanks again. Mingbo

bhowes-tt commented 8 years ago

Excellent. I'll give the new build another test today...

bhowes-tt commented 8 years ago

@MingboPeng - Looking good! I like the new loading sequence.

no luck today though, maybe you are still in process, or I'm doing something wrong. I'm getting a http request error after pasting my folder link: image

I tried uploading data.csv, and creating and publishing a sheet called data.csv - both produced the same error.

MingboPeng commented 8 years ago

@bhowes-tt because google drive now needs different settings than before, I will make a tutorial soon.

MingboPeng commented 8 years ago

@bhowes-tt here is a tutorial demo

bhowes-tt commented 8 years ago

@MingboPeng - sorry for the long radio silence. I finally got around to testing your latest version, and we are good to go! :boat: :octopus: :boat:

Thank you again for the really great work. We're going to publish a blog post about this project soon, and I'd like to get some quotes from both you and @mostaphaRoudsari .

MingboPeng commented 8 years ago

@bhowes-tt Thanks so much for your testing. Now I am working on a new tutorial of how to prepare the data from Grasshopper for Design Explorer. Trying to make it simple for everyone to use. Thanks again, Mingbo