ttRMS / ttRMS-support

Public issue tracker for ttRMS
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[FEATURE] restrict features from certain users #28

Open Sand-Turtle opened 2 years ago

Sand-Turtle commented 2 years ago

Describe the feature

This feature will allow the owner of the ttrms discord to disallow permissions like chat usage from certain whitelisted igns. An error message like: "[ttRMS] You Do Not Have Permission to Do That" Would be helpful to tell whether you are muted, or you do not have permission to chat. This feature would also allow the owner to give permission to connect and disconnect, but nothing else. No command channels should be able to be viewed because of concerns about old "~info" usages.

Why is this feature helpful

This feature would allow easier loaning of accounts with less stress about if they will get your account muted, look through channel logs for coords, or make you look like an idiot/become KOS

Additional comments

More options for this would also be nice 👍

tycrek commented 2 years ago

Current system would need a massive overhaul to support this; will plan for it in 2.0.