Closed Simon1059770342 closed 5 years ago
Of course WebARonARXXX has charm. It is unnecessary license and tracking accuracy is preeminent !!
THX! So, is 8th Wall an open-source project just like AR.js that the only thing I should do is to download the file, like AR.js, thress.js etc. and Then coding by myself?
Sorry for my late correspondence... 8th wall is not an open-source, project but a service. It is free if you use for local development. Since it realizes SLAM Engine on the browser, it works even on devices that are not AR Supported.
Why do not you try is?
WebAR MMD Viewer using 8th wall.
THX 4 Ur Help! Except that 8th wall web, are there other open-source for NFT-WebAR you could recommend? THX again!
I am sorry. I do not know anything except ar.js. Since Web AR is progressing rapidly, I think that it is good to pay attention to W3C's specifications. THX(^^)
Yes! This project tracks image using ARKit / ARCore. But it works only with a browser like WebARonARKit / WebARonARCore...
If I start new project like this now, I will use 8th Wall Because 8th Wall works with normal browser like Chrome.