ttalvitie / browservice

Browservice: Browse the modern web on historical browsers
MIT License
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The problem with the IP address #114

Open DrBurkov opened 8 months ago

DrBurkov commented 8 months ago

I am using the program version on Windows 11 PRO (x64). I can't figure out how the program works.

The program works as follows: 1) If I run on the command line browservice.exe then everything is OK. The program (server) writes that the IP address is available and I can connect to it locally. 2) If I run the command browservice.exe --vice-opt-http-listen-addr= then the program (server) writes that everything is fine. But I can't connect to this address! Neither locally nor over the network from the client. 3) If I run the command browservice.exe --vice-opt-http-listen-addr= then the program (server) writes "PANIC @ retrojsvice.dll C:\build\src\viceplugins\retrojsvice\src\http.cpp:625 : Starting Poco HTTP server failed with exception: Net Exception: Cannot assign requested address:". This can be seen in the screenshot.

Could you tell me what the problem is?
