ttalvitie / browservice

Browservice: Browse the modern web on historical browsers
MIT License
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:question: Wii compatibility? #70

Open Chaffee8726 opened 2 years ago

Chaffee8726 commented 2 years ago

I know there's already a video on browservice working on the Wii here: But there is no guide anywhere showing how to set it up (Especially on Windows) I've already tried setting it up the Normal way, That is downloading the latest version and launching the browservice.exe file from my desktop. but when I go to load the proxy server page on my Wii, it says the page is currently unavailable.


Am I doing something wrong? and also has anyone else done this with success? If so please lend me feedback.

xproot commented 2 years ago is localhost (basically the device you're on), so you're currently trying to connect to a web server in your Wii, which doesn't exist.

If your computer and the Wii are on the same network, try finding your computer's local IP, in Windows this is done the following way:

Open Command Prompt (or Powershell or the new Windows Terminal) once it opens type ipconfig and hit enter. it should output something like this

Example adapter:

      Connection-specific DNS suffix     :
      Link-local IPv6 Address            : ::ffff:c0a8:0
      IPv4 Address                       :
      Subnet Mask                        :
      Default Gateway                    :

(This will be different, make sure the adapter matches what you're currently using) (There are also other ways of finding your IP, this is only one of them, google has some Graphical solutions) You want to grab the IP address given in "IPv4 Address" and type it on your Wii, like this

Also more things to note, there is no Virtual Keyboard in browservice yet so you will not be able to use just a Wiimote to control this (a keyboard might work, I haven't tested.). The Wiimote's input is also a bit bugged on browservice (this might have changed, it was like this last time I tested.)

Chaffee8726 commented 2 years ago

Thanks! I'll make sure to try this.

Chaffee8726 commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately it did not work. I'm still receiving the same error, is there nothing else I can do?

xproot commented 2 years ago

What IP did you try?

xproot commented 2 years ago

Wait I'm pretty sure I know the problem, browservice is serving to instead of which means you cannot connect outside localhost, try to add the --vice-opt-http-listen-addr= option whenever you run browservice.exe e.g. through cmd C:\Users\xproot\Documents\> browservice.exe --vice-opt-http-listen-addr=

Chaffee8726 commented 2 years ago

do you think it might have to do with this error? Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file: No such file: (null)

Chaffee8726 commented 2 years ago

also C:\Users\xproot\Documents> browservice.exe isn't a real directory on my computer.

xproot commented 2 years ago

I meant as an example, xproot is my username, along with the fact I was trying to indicate a Command Prompt shell (Documents> browservice.exe isn't a path). And I can't help you further, this is out of my scope. (fontconfig on windows?)

nguyenthienminh commented 2 years ago

do you think it might have to do with this error? Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file: No such file: (null)

I got the exact same error on Windows, however it'll just start normally. When the cmdline outputs "HTTP server started successfully" then you'll know it works.

ttalvitie commented 2 years ago

If you are still experiencing this issue, could you show what you are doing in detail so that we can check that everything looks correct. At least the following things would be relevant to check:

Heuwyn commented 2 years ago

Also more things to note, there is no Virtual Keyboard in browservice yet so you will not be able to use just a Wiimote to control this (a keyboard might work, I haven't tested.). The Wiimote's input is also a bit bugged on browservice (this might have changed, it was like this last time I tested.)

At least under the libretro dolphin core, the Internet Channel's reaction to Browservice does not trigger the keyboard input mode to allow one to type into any text areas as far as I can tell. There's a tantalizing possibility using as a homepage to get around this, but it's extremely sluggish. The option to google what's typed from that site doesn't seem to work maybe because it's trying to open a new window, nor does copying what's typed at the site seem to allow pasting into the URL line.

Also for the record on default settings, typing for the url if you are running an emulated Wii on the same machine as the Browservice seems to work the best.