ttbarnes / angular-ticker

Simple angular ticker
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remote data can't init ticker #3

Open fangsj opened 8 years ago

fangsj commented 8 years ago

if i use $http response data , the ticker can‘t init, and remind me 'no items assigned to ticker! Ensure you have correctly assigned items to your ng-repeat.' i think that function execution sequence has problem

ttbarnes commented 8 years ago

Thanks @fangsj , will look into fixing this.

For now, it should work if you do the http call with ui-router resolve:

    resolve: {
      tickerData: function($http) {
        return $http.get('/api/feed').then(function (data) {

Then you just have to pass it into the controller and assign to scope:

app.controller('myCtrl', function myCtrl($scope, tickerData) {
  $scope.myTickerItems = tickerData;

<ticker tickeritems="myTickerItems"></ticker>

fangsj commented 8 years ago

Thank you!

ttbarnes commented 8 years ago

Hey @fangsj , could you please provide more details RE how you got this error? I'm unable to replicate.

Are you sure you were assigning the data to scope after $http.getsuccess? Presumably using promises?

I'm able to successfully get data via $http and it's assigned to the ticker without errors, eg:

$http.get('').then(function(data) {
  $scope.tickerItems =;
dev-thinks commented 8 years ago

I am experiencing the same. Here is my template with alias controller name. sure am getting the response data from promise correctly.



dev-thinks commented 8 years ago

I make it work (as a workaround?) by adding a flag in controller.

<ul ticker class="active" ng-if="tc.dataloaded"> <li ng-repeat="item in tc.pressnewsData" class="item-{{$index}}"> <b>[{{item.sPressReleaseDate}}]</b> - {{item.PressreleaseTitle}} <a ng-click="tc.openPress(item.PressreleaseID)">Read More..</a> </li> </ul>

tc.dataloaded is the flag in controller as "false" by default and marking it as "true" when data loaded as promise response.

ttbarnes commented 8 years ago

thanks @acclaimuser - could you please show the code you're using to get the data and assigning to scope? The snippet I pasted above (assigning to scope after promise success) works, so i'm unclear on how to replicate the issue here.

Could simplify your workaround though, instead of adding dataloaded:

<ul ng-if="tc.pressnewsData" ticker> ... </ul>

rongg commented 7 years ago

Not sure if related, but if the array assigned to ng-repeat is not initialized WITH elements the ticker won't work when updating the data. In my case I am updating the ticker after a $rootscope.broadcast()

$scope.tickerData = [{}];  // Had to initialize with object

$rootScope.$on('tickerDataUpdated', function(event, args){ 
  $scope.tickerData = args;  // for this to work