ttc-cases / pydevx-lindjacob

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Create a python Sample Project #4

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 2 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

[!NOTE] ☝️ Learning goals in this issue

  • Use a GPT (Phind or Copilot) to generate a sample script
  • Explore argparse features
  • Explore classes in Python
  • Run some tests from the command line
  • Create issues in GitHub on stuff that needs to be done

This was my prompt:

Create a small python script that uses argparse to read a --hand paramenter and play paper/scissors/rock - and then chooses a random hand and print our if the script or the input parameter won.

Rock beats scissors Paper beats rock Scissors beats paper

Please exemplify the use of a class hand and class function

And this is how Phind replied:

Sure, I'll create a Python script that uses argparse to accept a --hand parameter for choosing between "paper", "scissors", or "rock". The script will determine the winner based on the rules you've provided and print out who wins: the script's choice or the input parameter.

Here's how you can implement this:

import argparse
import random

class Hand:
   def __init__(self, name): = name

   def play(self):
       # Define the winning logic
       outcomes = {
           "paper": ["rock"],
           "scissors": ["paper"],
           "rock": ["scissors"]
       # Determine the opponent's hand
       opponent = random.choice(["paper", "scissors", "rock"])
       # Check if the hand wins
       if opponent in outcomes[]:
           return f"{} wins against {opponent}!"
       elif == opponent:
           return f"It's a tie Both {} and {opponent} played."
           return f"{opponent} wins against {}."

if __name__ == "__main__":
   parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Play a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors.")
   parser.add_argument("--hand", type=str, choices=["paper", "scissors", "rock"], help="Your hand ('paper', 'scissors', or 'rock')")

   args = parser.parse_args()

   # Choose a random hand for the script
   script_hand = Hand(random.choice(["paper", "scissors", "rock"]))

   print(f"You chose: {args.hand}")
   print(f"The script chose: {}")

To run this script, save it to a file, for example, Then, you can execute it from the command line with the --hand parameter set to either "paper", "scissors", or "rock". Here's how you would do it:

python --hand scissors

This will print out what both the script and the user chose, and then it will determine and print the outcome of the game according to the rules you specified.

Hmm 🤔 OK! It's a script- Let's see if it works!

Start by creating a file in a src folder and then create a file and paste the content from above into it.

git add, commit

Try the following executions from the terminal (on at a time)

pipenv run python --hand scissors
pipenv run python --hand rock
pipenv run python --hand paper
pipenv run python --hand this-is-not-a-valid-hand
pipenv run python
pipenv run python --help
pipenv run python --hand
pipenv run python --notaswitch
pipenv run python --hand rock
pipenv run python --hand rock
pipenv run python --hand rock

[!TIP] Maybe this would have been easier in a pipenv shell?

What's your verdict? Is this a good script?

If you found any issues with this script, things that need to be corrected or fixed then create the issues in your own repo. One issue per finding!

Wrap up this branch - deliver to main - you know how!

lindjacob commented 2 months ago

Jeg vil mene der mangler "src/" i stien på de commands der skal køre scriptet, eftersom scriptet lægges ind i en mappe kaldet "src". Men måske det er ment til at være endnu en udfordring 😄