ttdm / Symphonium

A tool to help learning the piano
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Single track play #14

Open Stubloke opened 1 year ago

Stubloke commented 1 year ago


I am trying to learn a single hand piano piece - it would be really helpful if only the Track(s) selected caused the piano keys to light up - not the greyed out Tracks(s)

Is this possible already and I missed it? image

ttdm commented 1 year ago

Didn't thought about it, good idea to color the inactive track differently but i don't like them being white. Would it be fine for you if I the piano keys of the inactive tracks were grey ?

Stubloke commented 1 year ago

I guess so, as long as there is good contrast. As a beginner it helps me to concentrate on notes for one hand.

This is a good piece of code by the way.