ttengwang / PDVC

End-to-End Dense Video Captioning with Parallel Decoding (ICCV 2021)
MIT License
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Running PDVC on Your Own Videos predict json file #52

Open Baiiiiiiiiii opened 9 months ago

Baiiiiiiiiii commented 9 months ago

Hi, after I run the command

video_folder=visualization/videos output_folder=visualization/output pdvc_model_path=save/anet_tsp_pdvc/model-best.pth output_language=en bash $video_folder $output_folder $pdvc_model_path $output_language

I got a JSON file with the format as below, image

I am curious about the meaning of proposal_score and sentence_score. Could you give me some explanation? I want to use these two metrics to select better captioning sentences .

thank you!

ttengwang commented 8 months ago

The proposal score is the logit score of foreground, which is predict by a linear layer (before signmoid activation) with two nodes representing background and foreground. The sentence score is the log of perplexity of the generated sentence (multiplication of per-word confidence)

Kebuze commented 4 months ago

嗨,在我运行命令之后> 嗨,在我运行命令之后>> video_folder=visualization/videos output_folder=visualization/output pdvc_model_path=save/anetsp_p_pdvc/model-best.pth output_language=en bash $video_folder $output_folder $pdvc_model_path $output_language>> 我得到了一个格式如下的JSON文件, ![图像](>> 我对possion_score和sentente_score的含义感到好奇。你能给我一些解释吗?我想用这两个指标来选择更好的字幕句子。>> 谢谢你!>> video_folder=visualization/videos output_folder=visualization/output pdvc_model_path=save/anetsp_p_pdvc/model-best.pth output_language=en bash $video_folder $output_folder $pdvc_model_path $output_language>> 我得到了一个格式如下的JSON文件, ![图像](>> 我对possion_score和sentente_score的含义感到好奇。你能给我一些解释吗?我想用这两个指标来选择更好的字幕句子。>> 谢谢你! 你好,我在按照redme.rd配置环境的时候,出现一个问题,希望您能帮我看一下:我在执行 sh 命令时,出现以下报错:'nvalid command name 'install 我找了很多博客,都没能解决这个问题,您能否提供一些帮助,谢谢您!