ttezel / twit

Twitter API Client for node (REST & Streaming API)
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Change the client name #397

Closed chasset closed 6 years ago

chasset commented 6 years ago


When you request a tweet using T.get('statuses/show', { id='210462857140252672'}, …) for example, the result that you receive is a data structured in JSON. In these data, there is a field called source.

How can I control the value of this field source when I post a tweet using your client and the method'statuses/update', { status: 'hello world!' }, …?

Best regards,


maziyarpanahi commented 6 years ago

Hi @chasset,

Unfortunately within the Twitter API - it does not support custom source value in a Tweet object. Only the application that sent the Tweet set this information. Here is the list of parameters can be set in each status before posting it:

Cheers, Maziyar

chasset commented 6 years ago

Alright. I understand how it works now. Cheers